This was amazing.....
Relevant AF. This must be ungreyed!
*but whole
Ungrey this!!! It’s extremely relevant.
“right in the butt!!"
It was the blurst of times??!!
Why is this still in the greys?
I’m actually glad it wasn’t called out of bounds. Even the basic rules of basketball no longer apply to Super Curry. He ‘is’ Basketball.
I bought the game after seeing this..
“Hey... Not fair!!!!!”
Old news buddy.
I agree that wasn’t a good look. But if you look at his throwing power and accuracy throughout the whole season, well just look up his outfield assists.
He can’t throw? I guess you’re just a bandwagon baseball fan in general. Any real baseball fan already knows of Bautista’s throwing power. Keep trolling though.
Still salty over THE bat flip? Its OK. You must be a purist.
Jose Bautista is one bad motherfucker, though.