
I just do not understand this at all-least of all how they managed to do bad black face, let alone black face in the first place. The makeup looks streaky, cakey, cheap and awful. The prosthetic nose looks as such and it really gives off the vibe of a Florida sorority girl making a bad decision for a rush party.

I’m sorry - are you telling women they need to be more sensitive to expectations put on men, and their needs, on a post that’s literally about women being unfairly required to shoulder the burden of men’s needs, and their family’s needs, without reciprocation?

I still don’t know what I think of this, but here’s mine. My mother and I have never really had a great relationship, but we were going through a sort of happy period my last two years of college. She’d kicked out my verbally abusive, alcoholic stepfather and I moved back in to save money. I’d been there about a month

What I found astonishing was the offended manchildrens’ failure to understand that many of the rabid fans of the original were women. This remake isn’t “for women” any more than the original was “for men”. It’s the same old falsehood rearing it’s head again; that female protagonists are for a strictly female audience,

I’v fucking had it with these magazines and media oulets referring to black and latina women as “so and so’s baby mama” - it’s racist af! They don’t refer to Nichole Kidman as Tom’s Cruise’s “baby mama” or any white woman who has a child with any white man of any level of fame.

Actually, it is so much more complicated than that that it’s almost impossible for a regular individual to know which is objectively the “best” way.

I don’t mean to be that person.

Frizzraeli. .

the moral of the story is be nice to your kids.

I think some of this has to be about whether visualization of sex is integral to how you enjoy sex. Personally the looks aren’t nearly as important as the physical sensation and emotions of intimacy and power and sexiness - but hey ymmv

Its called compression oppression

ugg. just uggg. shit like this is why I’m so trepadatious about getting my anthropology degree. Yes, its a “soft” science, but I see this sort of thought in my male peers so fucking much its getting kind of old.

“If other countries can provide these services, why can’t we?”

If Tony’s letter ran along the lines of ‘Hey, I’m finding going into middle age hard and I kinda worry about feeling irrelevant or ignored or no longer part of a world I previously understood’, I’d feel a lot more sympathy for him because I am told that the aging process is/can be fucking rough and it’s hard to

Craaap. I live in Florida and I really think I heard “what the fuck”. What the everlasting fuck? Maybe it’s the humidity?

Not that I’m equating the two, but puts me to mind of all the Project Runway ‘atypical model’ challenges and the shit losing that ensues. The designers complain about having to fit large, small, tall or older bodies and go on some righteous rant about how they only work with supermodels.

Every soccer mom in America is a Manchurian Candidate, waiting to be activated with a trigger-word like “terrorist” or “thug”. Mechanized Nancy Graces, automated in the defense of vague Americana; mussing the hair of cereal-swilling children, straightening the neckties of bread-winning fathers, and furtively nudging

My husband has been trying to buy me a gun for years. He already owns several including three handguns, one shot gun, two hunting rifles, and an AK. I always joke we win for owning the most guns as registered Democrats. Living in Texas owning guns is kind of a right of passage. I have no desire to own a personal hand

Ah, parenting evolution at its finest. From this:

This is really fucked up. So first he attempts suicide by trying to make innocent people kill him with their vehicles, and then somehow he gets his girlfriend involved and SHE gets hit and killed.