I disagree. Sometimes just knowing it is there is enough.
I disagree. Sometimes just knowing it is there is enough.
I actually said "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" Loudly in a quiet cafe after reading a comment about how Tamir Rice shouldn't have been playing with a toy gun if he didn't want to get shot.
It's funny to me how many conservatives I know are so pissy pants about TEH GUBMENT and MAH TAX MONIES and MAH FREEDUMB, but then turn around and go, "Oh, you should listen to the police without question, they're there to protect you."
Mark Wahlberg wants a pardon for his 1988 assault hate crime conviction.
I have thought long and hard about this piece. The author's story is powerful. I agree fully with everything the author says about the terrible damage we do to children by enforcing the gender binary, I agree with everything they say about how the kind of conventional masculinity that our society demands of men is…
The older I get, the more I believe that capitalism and patriarchy as so intertwined that we can't get rid of one without getting rid of the other.
You do understand that if you tell your audience to fuck off, they will right? This is not your personal blog, the people reading this site make it possible for there to even be a site. This shitty fucking attitude might play well in your office but you are acting like an asshole.
Did someone piss in the Jezebel coffee pot this morning, or are you guys just finally having a Network moment?
Is this a new thing you guys are doing to get people to not come to the Jezebel page? Because if headlines featuring spoiler alerts are the new normal, I'll have to go elsewhere to waste time during the work day.
I had a coworker (thankfully not a boss) try that whole massage nonsense on me once and I told him to get his fucking hands off me in a tone that implied "… or I'll cut your pathetic dick off." Fortunately I was not fired from that job (er ... not for that, anyway) nor did my career really suffer, but I find it so sad…
I think it has something to do with how logic is conflated with "male thinking." Like, women are just emotional, our logic is just emotional but THEIR logic is objective and solid and not at all highly illogical in any way. They don't have to question it.
Based on having 20 years as an attorney advocate for kids, I'd say it's likely (but not certain) that:
The horror! Next week: Childless people who've ALREADY PICKED OUT NAMES FOR THEIR UNBORN!!!
*side eye to everyone using females instead of women in the comments*
That picture of Mike Brown, Sr.
It's so weird. There's this thing you can do to remove some of the uncertainty and investigate the evidence ... what is it? What is it? OH YEAH. A TRIAL.
We might need them, but we sure as hell don't deserve them
darren wilson is a murderer.
Is there any point in noting that "don't whore yourself" was supposed to be "advice to a young woman trying to break into show business" and not "advice for Ariana Grande." We've been talking all day about these women that Bill Cosby raped who were scared and silent and submitted to repeated encounters because they…
And now I'm mad at Eminem for making me agree with Iggy Azalea. Nooo....