
"I think Anderson's piece is wonderfully, passionately written and worth a read, but I also think the problem with it lies in not the facts, nor the tone, nor the frustration, nor the wishful thinking, but rather with the resignation that the answer is, always, to change something about us, always us.

They always say relative to protect the identity of the minor victim. It could actually have been her daughter.

So we know who the woman isn't, but do we know who she is? And whether or not she's on board with Jezebel publishing this picture?

You never go full-method.

I get pretty offended when anyone suggests that having a discussion over whether something is humane is worthwhile. It is ALWAYS worthwhile to explore whether something is or is not humane. They are talking about something that might have brought an animal, an emotional creature, distress and whether it could or

Um, someone really should check John Grisham's computer. Btw, I've gotten drunk many a time and I've never had the impulse to look at 16 year old girls getting raped. I'm so sick of these drunk excuses.

I got a lawyer to shut up once. He was originally from the Great White North. We are in Northern California. I got on the elevator one morning with my full-length coat and backpack (it was winter, rainy and cold). He shook his head condescendingly and said, "You Californians. You have no idea what real weather is

He sounds really defensive- like he too has looked at naked underaged girls.

It's a perfectly fair argument that anyone who isn't in Liberia, dying alone in agony from Ebola on a hospital's tile floor should shut the fuck up. It's a good thing to keep in the back of your mind to keep your life in perspective, and to perhaps spur you to improve the world so everyone has better choices.

2016: <— Can you believe I'm still doing this shit?

For maximum authenticity, the clothing shown is actually made with slave labor in Bangledesh.

Given the anti-semitic climate in the country at the moment, it does not surprise me one bit how easily Galliano's been welcomed back into the French fashion scene.

I also don't understand why the public isn't more critical of Disney for churning out this long assembly line of damaged broken addicts. Just what the hell did they do to all these kids?!

Uhh, so we're literally just reposting Daily Fail misogynistic clickbait bullshit now? I know Jez is running on a skeleton crew lately and I don't expect academic dissertations on global economic issues anyway, but would a tiny bit of quality control kill us?

I am very very very grateful that I'm not having to live through a schizophrenic break today. Fuck, man. I thought Mondays were rough enough as they are. Imagine having paparazzi stalkers, mass public derision and a terrifying, uncontrolled, all-consuming mental illness added to your day today.

The mother sounds like a total Sloot.

So basically, women have more realistic expectations, thus their expectations are more frequently realized.

Yes, they are spreading the "word". Fortunately there have been recent breakthroughs in "word" treatment and free clinics around the globe can screen for it and distribute anti "word" vaccines. If you wake up one morning after a heavy night of christian swinging and find that you are compulsively verbose, phonetically

I think that this is one of the strangest (albeit perhaps inevitable?) outcomes of widely available contraception and the notion that parenthood can be a choice, rather than a religious or societal duty. My grandparents' generation seems so different. I remember my dad talking about how nobody used to talk about how

White man sits on a corner with a cardboard sign every day and pulls down up to $54750 a year. Latina works her ass off at a full time job and brings home a median $26000.