
Fuck off, dumbass.

But when you deconstruct the words "sexual harassment" down to the base of a sign, a signifier and the signified what does it really mean?

Many of the comment here and around the web just show how skillfully and completely Woody Allen (with his powerful P.R. team) was able to control the public discourse around these allegations when they surfaced 20 years ago. Somehow everyone accepted that Mia Farrow was a hysterical and vindictive spurned woman who

ME TOO! Kids know.

Off-topic (sort of): Woody Allen's films have given me the heebie-jeebies since way before I was even old enough to say why. I remember having this visceral creeped out reaction when my parents were watching Annie Hall when I was a kid, and the one and only movie I have ever walked out on was Deconstructing Harry

This fucker. I really hope everyone who has ever worked with him sees this and takes a long, hard look at how important their fame is.


I'm actually pretty good with triggers—I'd argue I'm less easily triggered than many sexual assault victims, and I'm grateful for that fact.
But if I ran into that question in the highly-stressful, time-sensitive, mentally draining context of an examination, I'd be triggered. To the point of distraction, at best; to

Kim, you do not need anyone to walk you down the aisle. This is your third time, you know the way.

Hey, how about we not speculate on the sexuality of someone who clearly isn't ready/willing to talk about it?

From the "also, the sky is blue" newsroom: tweens, like teens, imitate those older with them. The cause of hypersexualization of youth is our (adults') fetishization of youth combined with our culture's messed up sex obsession/repression dichotomy. Hand wringing adults need to look at the culture around them, what

When the laws don't protect you, what do you do? Jamie X risked her safety and sanity to protect others. She did the right thing. She knew anything she tried wouldn't be admissible, but she stopped a damaged human being from damaging others. She's a hero.

Couldn't they have come up with a better name for their plan?

Did Full House abuse you as a child?

If love is truly colorblind, then inter-whatever pairings would be even across the board, with no groups doing so in higher numbers than other groups.

I also don't care for the implication that Doyin's wife isn't strong due to her race. Pardon me? Really? Last I checked, the Japanese onna-bugeisha were pretty bad-ass, as were the Apache women who fought in battle, or my ancestors, the Celts. How about the women of just about every race currently serving the

No one should send this guy hate-filled racist comments. No one. He is doing a great thing here and that picture is sweet as pie.

Its better than nothing, which I would estimate 98% of us (including me) did today.

My question is — is this movie doing anything new? At this point, "white Wall Street conmen experience meteoric rise and disgraceful plummet, as accompanied by prostitutes and drugs; cause us to question our own social values" isn't new ground to tread. In a year where we had some pretty cool and unusual things

I distilled it to five key elements: They should have agency, not just strength (their decisions should be meaningful and should drive the plot); they should be allowed to derive their strength from non-gendered emotional sources (ie, not just a "mama grizzly" or a "femme fatale"); they should be allowed to explore a