
THANK YOU. I have compulsive behaviors (getting much much better) and they're so disruptive to normal life that I get irked at the "oh lol i'm so clean i'm ocd" shit. I can't even anonymously admit how many times I wash my feet.

She called the white son a n****, so its just... she's just... confusing at best.

Crass hag is the best thing I heard all day. They're all just jealous of your verbal karate.

I could have written this ((hugs))

Eat all the pot pies, make an extra one out of dog food, leave that one for him.

I'm sorry you and so many others get that level of harassment :( They're just not operating anywhere near logic, eh?

I just don't know what the fuck "prolifers" consider a successful outcome from their mandatory ultrasounds and speeches...

Yeah I really don't get what's relateable about this. When I was eleven I wouldn't dare steal 5 bucks, let alone 10k from an elderly relative.

I see the same. People I know who go for the bad knock-offs have very very little money, and when they have an extra $30 saved up they go for the nicest looking thing they see - and the knock offs aim to look pricier, so its the most "value" for their bucks. They know it doesn't fool anyone, no one in their right

Bonus round for conservatives in denial who do all the drugs and then go "oh well (insert victim of police brutality) shouldn't be breaking the law".

Plus, it makes me wonder about her earning opportunities... if one doesn't have much formal education (think she only has high school?), service jobs are the go-to option BUT with the exposure she's been having through the reality shitshow her mother put her through and this sad story, I can't imagine she'd be able to

We obviously do not support date rape

Its a smart move to save on power. Why have the stove on twice? I do this with side dishes, make rice for 2 days, then just mix and match.

I should have gone for a load bearing pun. Oh well...

Respect the Architect - I have intense feelings about the structural instability of that bra.

If vibration makes you happy, try a "pocket rocket" which will be a lot less intense than the wand type.

I was going to comment myself, but I just need to undersign this a thousand times. I believe abuse is largely about context, and while I'm not personally qualified to make a distinction is this case, its disingenuous at best to make ANY call without bringing up the whole context.

A million times this. I went to school in a catholic convent in europe and we were taught proper evolution and the big bang theory, and that the bible was full of metaphors for things people didn't understand as well at the time, and should not be taken literally. This really doesn't feel like a big deal, its what

Is it the whole talking to animals... and them answering back? I always wondered why they didn't script real friends in, marketing I suppose.

Yeah, minimum decency would be to obscure her face.