“Engman feels that she might be a victim of class envy”
“Engman feels that she might be a victim of class envy”
“What kind of things do you like me to do with you body?” Jeb said as I looked over the contract. “Do you like it when I keep it from healthcare?” Oh my. My inner goddess screams YES but I blush.
For some of you, today is Columbus Day. For others it is Indigenous Peoples day and for the rest of you, it’s…
I was working at a margarita bar on the water, so winter was slow. We relied on our regulars, a few of which were a group of late twenties bro dudes who would come in for nachos and fish bowl sized margaritas. They were generally ok, except they LOVED to flirt with all of the female staff, despite none of us being…
When I managed a Borders we were also responsible for this small calendar kiosk on the other side of the shopping center. I was there covering someone’s lunch break and this crazed woman came over demanding why we had no bichon frise calendars. The dog calendar people were always the weirdest.
Maybe I’m just not a romantic, but there’s no time period I’d rather live in than this one. Or maybe the future. But right now we have disposable tampons, birth control, antibiotics, air conditioning, divorce laws, safe abortions (where available) and surviveable c-sections. I’m a cynic and I bitch a lot about what…
“The homeopaths were rescued after they were seen rolling around in a field near their hotel, gibbering incoherently.”
Probably super bummed they weren’t the first to sign onto the groundbreaking campaign to block Cosmopolitan covers…
And the idea that animals are somehow rationally self-determining entities is woefully misguided. Dennett wrote an interesting article on animal consciousness, which, if you haven't read it, is here: