
The bar scene from basterds immediately came to mind for me, Such amazing buildup.

Tyler, thank you for your sensible, not sensationalist, reporting!

Sony used it at the end of their E3 presentation. That was the first time I heard it.

Is it weird watching the frame rate dip a little actually made me happy? Like, shit, this is a real game they’re showing blemishes and all. I would assume it’s fixed by launch anyways, I’m just glad to not see it doctored the hell up. And it was only when those 10+ enemies hit that explosion, which was fun to watch

Yeah, I remember the first time I was playing it I was staring agape thinking, “holy shit, I cant believe they had the balls to include something like this”. I think it was a step forward in the medium and I wish more developers would try to show the horrors of what war and terrorism can do. I thought it was a mature

not actual gameplay

I’d give anything to have a Star Wars film where a rebel, in his last moments before his ship explodes, fills the auditorium with the yell: “fuck you Vader!”

It’s such a crime that your ridiculous standards of wanting a video game to look like photoshopped screenshots is not met.

Actually played this with my sons last month. The 6 year old said about half way through, “I don’t get why your killing these things. It seems like they just want to be left alone.” I was not prepared for him to grasp the fundamental sadness of the game.

The game is crazy beautiful. I’m having fun with it. Cant wait to see what else is in it.

These movies will never stop ruining lives.

Disappointed that none of the creatures shoot purple neon laser beams from their mouths.

If i was Tony right now I’d be irate! I remember seeing interviews of him talking about the original THS and being extremely proud of it! I seriously doubt he’s at that ecstatic about this one..

It probably will be I think. I’m not even that into it and I think a whole lot of people and journalists will put it in their game of the year list and rightfully so.

10/10, would laugh again

What, you people don’t have topless dead goat parties?

Tough week for Volkswagen gets even worse.

Hey Yannick, I’d appreciate if you didn’t lump this shithead in with “big pharma”. He’s not “big pharma” and lumping people who work hard to cure or treat our illnesses in with this Wall St. asswagon isn’t cool.

Is this guy wearing sunglasses indoors standing in front of a flat screen TV playing an actual Flo-Rida music video? So much douche bag going on in this article I can’t take it.

This guy is a poster child of what is wrong with capitalism. Rooting against his team from now on. /blogpost