That’s not “the way it should be” when the games get their length from busy work, meaningless tasks and hordes of identical enemies. If the activities advance the story or your understanding of the skill system, it’s all good. Otherwise, just let me move on to another game, for Christ’s sake.
I’ve already made peace with this. I just cannot spend that much time on a game anymore like I used to (there is a single exception).
The Syrian refugee crisis has become a political flashpoint throughout Europe. Some people are being assholes about…
I bought my PS4 few days ago, so first time in my life, I dont care if it is exclusive
A ton of games were better when scores meant nothing at all and just there for kicks. There were no leaderboards and constant judgement. You played the game for exactly what it was and did things your way because there was nobody judging you. It was just you with a game having a good time.
games like Until Dawn, Heavy Rain, and Beyond Two Souls are the modern equivalent to the point and click adventure game. they aren’t going away anytime soon.
I actually find the box to be the single most useful thing in the game due to the reflex mode.
I cannot stop watching the video for this I love it so much
I’d be more concerned over the disc not being balanced, since he just put the sticker on one side. Even slightly unbalanced discs can screw with the drive over time.
Forget the beard. The whole outfit looks odd on him. It’s like Harry Potter missed his train and ended up in the wrong part of London.
Look behind you. I said LOOK behind you.
All of PT hidden away somewhere in the code for MGS, calling it.
This a fun easter egg!
Let the record show that Chris volunteered to review Mad Max. You brought this on yourself, man!
I liked the God of War one a bit more:
Not trying to jump at your personally, but that is not a better suggestion. That’s exceptionally amateurish. Not saying I can come up with something great, just pointing out that your “doodle” is objectively less interesting, less legible, and lower quality. It shows that it only took 5-minutes, because there’s…