
It is remarkable how much garbage you can spew in the air for over a decade, assuming you managed to shit out one really, really good game on the ORIGINAL XBOX.

I haven’t seen an entity make a good living off a one-time, single shot, artistic & creative masterpiece since Freebird.

Then you’ve sussed out that you have a stupid baby! That’s invaluable information! Think of the money you’ll save by not sending it to college! Much more valuable than pledging money to a Molyneux game.

Whats this shinny thing? Oh its her ass! *camera zooms in*

All of these are great!

Yup—if you’re complaining about this shit and you don’t personally attend women’s sporting events/buy merch/etc., you’re a part of the problem.

How much revenue does the women’s team generate relative to the men’s team?

All about choice. The only puzzle is why they keep using a terrible engine that makes their games unplayable at times.

So nobody else seems to be talking about this since the game was revealed all that time ago, but the idea that Sam is Nate’s “brother”, that doesn’t strike anybody else as odd? Since I’m pretty sure the last game established Nathan as an orphan and a loner who has no family, or at least nobody he feels close enough to

Right?!? I hate that I can’t have fun because other people don’t think I look cool enough.

Honestly, I’m surprised Kotaku still covers him (though I’m not surprised he didn’t give an interview).

Now, Sega... about that Shenmue I & II HD collection....

Such a goofy bug. “Only on the right side of player select” is so specific.

Just a friendly reminder that both Shenmue 1 and 2 died horrible deaths in sales when they were released. There was literally no data supporting Shenmue 3 as a viable product before the Kickstarter.

Now playing

When game journalists loose their shit like this, I wonder why this wasn’t done earlier.

Imagine that, only announcing a game when it’s almost finished. What a concept! The other branches of Square could learn a lesson.

I don’t think the creature dies, I just think it links to Shadow Of The Colossus and it turns into one of the Colossi, or maybe all of them, it’s got enough parts for it.

It would be more extraordinary than watching someone literally turn water into wine. Until this point in time, these things felt like a physical impossibility. But I believe. I believe.

This made me smile more than the announcement. Ok not really, but I teared up at the trailer.

Don’t wake me up otherwise