This is one of the coolest new concepts I’ve seen in a while. Hunting mechanical animals for parts is really intriguing.
This is one of the coolest new concepts I’ve seen in a while. Hunting mechanical animals for parts is really intriguing.
What surprises me so much about Ubisoft is that they manage to keep their secrets. I don’t think anyone knew anything about either the new South Park game or this one. I sure didn’t read anything about either of them.
My stream’s still stuck on bloody Madden. Still, I’m not going to skip ahead—working through EA’s sports stuff is part of the E3 tradition.
But, but ... I’m watching it live, and this hasn’t happened yet?!
cant agree more with you, I was like aww so cute he’s nervous, and then boom the trailer come up and I was like omfg I want it1!
I wish every company that puts on a presentation at E3 understood that everybody prefers a trembling, terrified artist going “hey, I made this, I think it’s neat, I hope you like it!” to a whole ton of flash.
This game already looked amazing, but seeing the “creator” of it on stage appealing passionately for his “baby” put me over the edge. Will be buying this day 1 — I just hope the $$ goes to him and his team as well, though I doubt it will if EA is involved.
I was super impressed. And yeah, that guy was genuine, I loved it.
I want this game so bad... those environments look gorgeous and Yarny (Yarnie?) is just the cutest thing it makes this 28 yo male squeel like a little girl.
The guy was so nervous on-stage that I actually admired him. You can really tell how much he cared about his creation. This is a day-one buy for me.
yup they really are
That awkward “hello!” and wave was, like, the best.
Well, I figure my fiance and I have had a good 7 years together, had to end sometime.
The developers of Perception are pissing themselves because now there’s three games about being blind.
I’ll wait to see how it works on something other than Minecraft first as that’s the only thing they’ve shown.
Not impressed, now if they had fish that moved out of your way then I’d be impressed.
that kid’s adorable. that face was awesome.
This is a newish Gawker sub-group, we’re all in the grey here.