
People are surprisingly bad at figuring out what trailers and demos are completely staged. It’s usually pretty obvious if you don’t immediately buy into the hype.

That gunfight was incredibly accurate. I assume they used a drone to film this, and whomever piloted that drone did an excellent job.


If he’s not actually meant to be in the game, that’s a really bad use of reference. Using photos for lighting, poses, anatomy, composition, whatever. That’s all fine. But, straight up lifting a design is a HUGE no-no.

The crazy thing is that this is coming to PS4 and Project Morpheus. I think it’s the first official project morpheus project that has been announced.

“This isn’t a photo of Game of Thrones star Natalie Dormer...”

Remind me again why we should go completely digital with our games?

As a couple people have noted, it’ll all come down to how Leto plays it, and he’s a pretty talented dude, so I’m optimistic.

I hope you are prepared for a flaming unlike anything you’ve ever seen in your life.

I’m surprised nobody said the combat looks like Arkham, that’s what it looks like to me at least.

Looks pretty sick! I’m excited for it!

When this was announced my initial thoughts were “aww, no Just Cause 3”. And then that happened, and now this trailer happened and I just really want to play this game thanks.

By far... The best article I've seen in a while...

I always have and always will love The Krypt. It was one of the best ideas Netherrealm Studios ever had ever since MK: Deadly Alliance, and it has ensured I keep playing the game over and over in new and creative ways.

Less friendly banter, more tearful “I’m going to have to rip your chest open now, baby.”

Yes, Ermac is in.

yeah, while no voiceover route works in game where you are YOU (skyrim, dragon age, etc), it won’t work in this game. max, instead of just being our proxy in the game, is also a full fledged character with her own personality and thought. i don’t find it weird, but maybe it’s because i see life is strange as glorified

Not all teens are the same though. When I was a teen, I had a constant running commentary in my head - much like Max. I was pretty quiet in speech anyone who met me would havemake probably called me shy - but in my head I had a constant stream of thoughts and opinions and observances, sometimes holding full on

I have a feeling you have no idea how internal monologues work.

The thing is, these are just Max’s thoughts which you can hear, because you are Max. If she was dead silent then, wth. It is a way to immerse you into her character because when you think you aren’t silent, not mentally. That “Woah!...” etc. was her thinking about it. This isn’t a movie, you are in the role of the

I completely disagree with you. People have a tendency to speak to themselves all the time, and the fact that the character does only lends to feeling of authenticity that many games don’t have. Sure, many protagonists have a tendency to speak a ton, but what are they really thinking? There’s only so much a character