The only thing I can think of is that this is a feature meant to keep players from getting stuck. Possibly the boss gets easier over time.
The only thing I can think of is that this is a feature meant to keep players from getting stuck. Possibly the boss gets easier over time.
Think about how you'd handle this in real life. Would you feel like you needed a "fair fight" against bloodthirsty psychopaths and hellborn beasts?
for one, accessible would be difficulty curve, complexity and opacity of stat functions and other things, this game does away with some of it. It allows for the complex action and combat, as well as the incredible exploration to take center stage. It's just more of what I loved about Dark Souls, with a little less of…
Although some people flip out when you put "accessible" and "Souls" in the same sentence, I actually think it's entirely possible for Bloodborne to be Miyazaki's best game while also being the easiest to get into. Which is not to say it won't have the same richness of secrets and surprises the others had, or even be…
it's a fantastic game, straight up. I just got to the first boss that has really started to hand me my ass and it's pissing me off, but it's a beautifully constructed experience. I would say that you are absolutely going to get your money's worth for the game and shouldn't worry about if you will be able to get the…
I actually would say that it's the most accessible of them all!
But Thomas was alone!
Find me at E3 this year - we need to take a better picture!
So what's the status of Silent Hills? Was that a Konami venture of a Kojima? I hate horror games, but PT was something that just fascinated and haunted me. I don't want someone else being in charge of that project.
Nope, Joel and I have kept in touch since we co-hosted. He's a good guy and really does love games. Unfortunately that didn't really come across on screen. I wish you guys would have seen more of Joel the gamer vs "Talk Soup" Joel.
Yes definitely, working on a few Final Hours projects now. There will be one on No Man's Sky from Hello Games, and a few others I unfortunately can't announce just yet. But I definitely plan to keep the series going.
Omg, your username... it probably reflects on me worse that I know it..
Agreed, but at first this kinda reminded me of Device 6, which was really awesome and totally worth the cost. However, this could ultimately just be an endless series of difficult puzzles built to deliver ads to people and sell them hints, especially given the developer's other creations. Cryptic messages coupled…
The sounded really awesome until I got to the ads and pay for hints part. It's hard to separate my skepticism from the awe of this apparently cool mystery.
HM2 soundtrack is incredible. The game has a different vibe to the first one, some like it and some don't (I like it) and the soundtrack has taken not a forward or backward but sideways step to calibrate the tone perfectly.
For every eagle that killed me at an in opportune moment, I just loved seeing them kill the bad guys or at least distract them enough for a nice takedown. Although it is funny to see them killing villagers, "Oh No! An Eagle! Help!"
Who is this guy and why am I reading about fisting requests on kotaku? My life is a hideous montage of shame and confusion.