All hail the glorious PC master race.
All hail the glorious PC master race.
Every game should follow the infamous achievement on Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter. The one where you are required to be the no.1 in global leaderboard, the massive outcry from those trophy/ach whores will shake the earth.
>Is reminded that Move controllers are involved.
250 Euros is probably closer to what it will be unless they do that horrible thing where they screw you guys in the Euro zone over by making it $300 to 300 Euros. Oculus Rift DK2 still goes for $350 though and this will be a bit more polished than the DK2. We'll see, but I'm still expecting a $300 price tag. No…
Oculus Rift
Valve/HTC's Vive
Samsung's Gear VR
MS' Hololens, but those are more AR than VR
Obviously, there are many more, but those are the only ones likely to make any waves.
One of the smartest narratives of the last gen? We'll have to agree to disagree on that. It was certainly much smarter, all around, than it first looked, I can agree with that wholeheartedly.
"Have female characters of various body types"
I am calling it, this is vengeance for all the years of terrible american covers for japanese games.
This..... The first time I saw Superman fight the two Kryptonians in Man of Steel, I instantly thought "Holy shit, Zack Snyder should do a DBZ movie." The CGI and choreography for the fights was so well done in that movie IMO. I would give an honorable mention to the final fight scene between Agent Smith and Neo in…
Nah. Man of Steel had the best live action DBZ fights.
um whats with the Instagram pic?
Not to stir the pot, but isn't a 'yes' or 'no' system of rating games pretty arbitrary and meaningless too? At least numeric scores have a gradient and can represent different shades of quality.
No. Just no. As a black person, I find it demeaning that black people have to take on super heroes that are already established. And Miles Morales? It comes off as just an attempt to cram as much diversity in there as you can. This kid doesn't have the history or personality that we want to see on the big screen.…
Nah they won't, I mean they will eventually but this time it will be Peter Parker just to show the world how you make a Spiderman Movie. a few years down the line when the actor who is playing Spiderman wants to leave then they will bring in Miles.
Prosecute swatters as attempted murder.
Unless you're Jesus of course. :)
The only way to deal proper damage to bad guys in Dying Light is by hitting them in the head. Or, before that: knocking out their legs so you can bop them in the noggin. Turning off auto-aim for melee and ranged weapons makes landing precise hits very tricky, which helps bring out that feeling of desperation that…
Agreed. The shootout at the end of Django Unchained is the one scene I can think of that needs to be on this list, other than maybe this:
This list needs more Django.