A man sucker punches you in the face.
A man sucker punches you in the face.
Man... those crackers may be assholes, but if they were right on one thing it is that Sony really needs to step up their game when it comes to defending against cyber attacks
I can't wait to see the pictures of the police dragging those teens out of their mom's house and into a cop car.
Nope. Just wild speculation. Lol
Let's see mom is dead, Dad is 1200 miles away, got the day off work, how about F U
All of my family is dead and my wife is working a 16 today. Hell, I'm coming up on the anniversary of my grandmother's death here soon, too.
Though I don't have an Xbox One or PS4, I'd imagine it would only further my depression if I just wanted to get on Netflix or something but couldn't because some asshats are…
Thanks to all the people trying to fix this so that we can have a happy holiday, and thank you Kotaku for being active on Christmas to still bring us our video game news
One of my brothers is in the same boat w/ his wife demanding that all gifts be baby stuff to defray the expense. As I saw my brother sitting there amidst bottles, diapers, a Bjorn, etc, I was glad I had snuck him a Metal Earth Star Wars model and some Steam games.
Happy holidays to you, Kotaku team and community!
Seems dishonest to explain every single thing in the video. The creator won't actually get the attention and you still get the click. I don't mind seeing some rough bullet points, or a general overview, but to write every single thing and in detail is reaping the rewards of someone else doing all the heavy lifting.
Advanced Warfare is probably at #11. It was the best SP campaign in years, but it was just so broken for me on PC that I had trouble getting a solid, lengthy session in with it.
The expectations for WDogs were too high... I don't think these armchair freedom-fighters would have loved it unless it included a Snowden and Assange DLC where you hack documents that get soldiers killed and then get a sex scene with a Russian FSB/GRU agent (who fakes it), and then ends with some kind of blockbuster…
its missing good dialog... unless they intended to make it sound awkward and unprofessional. movies have done that. none that i like, but they have.
Y'know, Rockstar's open-world games would be a great place to make a goofy comedy about bumbling crooks…
I woke up to this comment; makes me very happy. Overall, it is a work of art that I'm sure you'll love. Just know that if you have been listening to the soundtrack, the game has the same vibe all around as The Spine and In Circles (the game also remixes these slightly in the best possible ways, and when you discover…
I love everything about it except the combat itself... it was too difficult for me to wrap my head around and I never seemed to establish a good rhythm or flow. I think I may have just been in the wrong mood/state of mind to play it at that time. The music, the art, the voice acting, the lore, overall presentation and…
For ages? Transistor came out this year.
I love the music, the art and style. Its cyber jazz punk and all I wanted to do is stare at it and freeze frame the cutscenes, its really beautiful. The gameplay is great, it mixes up the RPG combat system, theres no traditional gears to equip but it has combat modules that gives you tons of options.