
My girlfriend just got this game for me last week for my birthday and I instantly fell in love with it. It is absolutely gorgeous, I love the little challenges that pop up in the middle of the races, I joined a club who are enthusiasts for the same car I own so each day it seems like I get new perks for just being a

Hilarious book, all sorts of interesting (and ridiculous) situations that are scientifically explained. From the creator of xkcd, so there's all sorts of comical illustrations to accompany each situation.…

I liked hearing the spray can shake sound in Second Son... I know, so simple, but damn did it sound real.

I haven't played AI yet, mostly because I've been too busy—by which I mean that I'm too scared. That sounds great, though!

Those of you who know me know that I am not the world's biggest FFVII fan, and have no real interest in a remake of the game. But even I have to admit that I felt my heart skip a beat when Hashimoto started talking up VII like he was about to announce a remake.

"But first, lemmie take a selfie."

Yep, that's the reason.

I'm forever silently downvoted to the bottom of most stories for years now and I don't let it bother me. I've been hanging at the back of the bus scaring the shit out of the normal people since the mid 80's.

Aww wow, sad day for all gamers. I remember hearing that the creator of Atari and Chuck 'E Cheese, Nolan Bushnell saw the Ping Pong game Ralph Baer had made and copied it and called it Pong. Ralph Baer tried to sue him for years but never could and now Nolan Bushnell takes a lot of the credit for creating the first

Achievement unlocked: "You had a good run."

92 years on this planet is a respectable run.

92 is a respectable score on this game, at least. RIP amazing guy!

When someone significant dies that I didn't know personally I rather celebrate them or their legacy than mourn or even feel genuinely sad. I don't think it's my privilege to mourn someone that I don't know and therefore they never knew me. (Not that I always succeed at this...)

RIP. Thank you for starting the chain reaction that has led to my interesting life as a dev and a gamer that has been touched and moved by the many games since I was a boy.

Guess I'm just impatient. There was an option in the full game, just weird that it wouldn't be in the opening area.

Agreed. I think we will see issues like bad journalism and shady critics being reduced as the industry matures.

I absolutely love the artstyle. One of the most visually unique games and concepts I've seen. However, I hate the fact that it's just another shooter. It's pre-alpha so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, but the gameplay looks generic. Splatoon for the Wii U, in comparison, is a shooter I'm willing to

I would murder infants to get a Jaffe-created Twisted Metal on the PS4.

Having played Shadow of Mordor, watched this, and seen a little bit of Halo 5, I think it's safe to say that the hallmark of this generation is going to be animations. Graphics have improved, yea, but people have been right in saying that it's not quite as big a gap as we might have expected.