
I can't help it, I love the arch-nemesis becomes ally trope. It is hard to reconcile certain slights (er, mass murders), but how great was it to see Magneto and Xavier put aside their differences in the last X-Men movie? If only because McKellan + Stewart = <3

Yeah, it does exist in other industries as well but it doesn't lessen the importance of it in the gamin g industry. I'm with you, I want gaming as a medium to advance and that's why I had to point out Mr. Mr. Keighley. He's just as fail-able as many other gaming journalists.

hate to say it but i am not impressed at all... also off screen really

HAHAHAHA. Remember the old trailer and everyone was like this is the best looking game eva. This is really next gen. Looks better than PS4 and X1. Right......... This looked like a mid gen 360 game. Still, CANT WAIT.

He doesn't. He's been on television defending gamers back when ME2 was under attack for having sex scenes.

good, I was about to complain too.
nowadays is impossible to remain unspoiled for eight to twelve months!

As someone who hasn't played the game yet, I thought that this was a spoiler as well until I watched the video. It's perfectly understandable that many people would think of this as a spoiler, because you have to actually watch the video to know that this is a level editor and not part of the story. And for people who

Then maybe you should add it to the title or article? I was about to come in and say the same thing as Mister.

Spoilers much?

I am constantly surprised by this guy. I was totally unaware that he did the main character for Shadow of Mordor, and Pagan Min in FC4. It takes a ton of talent to be able to sound like several completely different people with different personalities, I'd be surprised if he didn't have multiple personality disorder or

Add David Cage as the director, and I think we've got a GOTY

And Now, Troy Baker, you are a God.

The kicker? Everyone in London has a French accent.

Yesterday, I got around to playing a Ubisoft game from 2008. It was beautiful, imaginative, fanciful, and unique. It was built on the back of strong character development, moment-to-moment gameplay, and a grand, epic sense of scale, of indomitable good versus ancient evil. It ended incomplete, unfinished, "to be

Dear Ubisoft,
I know things were passionate at the beginning and we ran wild, no limits.
But we need to slow down. We want to make this relationship last, I'm not saying we need to see other people, but take some time, discover ourselves, come back with a stronger sense of self.

It's not me, it's you.

Jesus Christ yes. I feel that reviewers arent doing a good enough job in docking Telltales games for their shitty animations, facial animations and overall QUALITY.

God Telltale needs a new engine ASAP.

subtext, if you see this armor, just walk away.

Sony dropped it because they're losing money and couldn't afford the luxury. If FIFA doesn't fill the hole left by Sony then I'll be surprised.

No one had done it yet (at the time of posting) easy one but someone had to :P