
I know that game development is hard. But they constantly miss their own estimatives. And their launch model is broken. I understand that they probably have to launch it has episodes in order to keep the money coming. But then the loyal fans, the ones that buy the entire game (all episodes) as soon as the first

No. Like I said, I understand what you were trying to say and you're right. But you chose the wrong wording, like others have pointed out. But I know what you're trying to say ;)

Next Gen is finally here!!!

The thing is, I don't think it would be that hard to pull. Just reach an agreement between the 5-10 biggest names in gaming media and take a stand together. For years now the media has served as an extension of the publisher's PR. It's time to change. Publishers are more dependent on the media than the other way

Way don't you say something like "there's a direct impact to the sale of games bases on its quality" instead? Because that's what it is. I get what you're saying and you're agreeing that it's a shady practice, it "blinds" the consumer, prevents them from knowing that a game is bad as soon as it's out. Everyone knows

I like Kotaku's newest direction...I like it very much. Only today did it hit me that you guys are really trying to change...and for the better. There was an epiphany moment like this almost a year ago (I think), when I just wasn't getting what you were trying to do. I felt Kotaku just wasn't for me anymore. All the

Big publishers/developers get a lot of crap for the way they release and charge their games (and mostly they deserve it), but I find Telltale to be one of the worst offenders when it comes to the launch plan and rewarding their fans. The episodes are far too spaced out, the release dates are inconsistent and

Absolutely ;) And yes, I too can't stand watching other people play. It drives me insane really. "Why did he do this? NO, don't go there. Can't you see him?!", etc.

Just another nice touch: The HUD (specially SP) is amazing in this game, very clean and simple. It's expected from the guys who made the original Dead Space.

Yeah, I'm really impressed as well and share most of your opinion.

It feels like a spoof title. Don't like it at all (for a first impression). Into Darkness was a bad title as well. But I don't really care if the movie turns out to be good.

Ah, I skipped that article, wanted to go in fresh, sorry. It's nice to now that you addresses that, he is indeed. You're a good man Fahey ;)

Just make sure he mentions how damn impressive Troy Baker looks in those cutscenes. Seriously, those graphics came out of nowhere, I'm very impressed. It may also be just my man crush on Baker, maybe not...I hope not...

PS4 gamer here, and I had no "game-breaking" bugs or graphical problems. I should check out Bad Blood!

Unpopular opinion: Watch_Dogs was my biggest surprise this year and probably the most fun I had with a new game (TLOU Remastered is on a league of its own). I didn't bite into the hype and just took the game for what it was. And it was fun. It had problems, but I didn't mind them. I'm not a big fan of open-world

Ahah, thanks ;) I admit, sometimes on the internet it's easy to get carried away by a vocal community against a particular thing that's considered a success by a large group of people. The thing is, every time something is a success, even though you may hate it and think that it is in no way "good", the authors are

<overblown reaction to your negative comment>

Care to elaborate?

I really like the comments on Kotaku. It's probably the thing that keeps me coming back. Yes, there are some cheap insults now and then, less accomplished posts, trolls, fanboy wars, etc (sometimes I'm guilty of some of these sins). But there are some great gamers in here, I've had amazing real gaming discussions (and

I edited my other post ;)