
Well stop looking at him and he will leave you alone.... its rude to stare. lol

Yes.... Scarlett. I wish she would marry me.


I can't wait to get my hands on the McDonald's burger paste refill for my food printer.

I agree. If a game requires the addon, than it should be included. I'd feel a lot better picking it up if it is included with a game at no extra cost. But we will have to wait and see what happens with that.

Anyone else not too impressed with the 3DS conference? Maybe I have become overly skeptical of Nintendo lately but I just can't seem to get pumped up for all the announcements they made. Monster Hunter looks cool but everything else just seems blah. The RPGs looked alright but still not too impressive. One thing

I am happy to see everyone else happy about the 3DS conference last night, but I feel like I am the only one that didn't think it was too spectacular. Don't get me wrong, I was excited with the monster hunter games and a couple of the RPGs but that is about all. Everything else I already knew about and was expecting

Based upon that screenshot in addition to absolutely nothing else, I conclude that this OS will fail and anyone who disagrees is wrong. Men will weep and women will abandon their children as the scream out in disgust.

He can always take the Master Sword to the Temple of Time and then.... BOOM... young again.

I clicked reply in anticipation of a comment like this.

Obviously, you have never played Superman for the 64. lol

What about the cocaine to go with those hookers?

I dont know about anyone else... but while I'm gaming, I want to be totally immersed in the game. If someone is creeping up behind me, I want to hear the footsteps behind me and not from the front.

What other positive story was there other than Star Fox 64 being released and the ambassador program we have known about?

"If you like large pink things, then this could be for you."

I've never played these games, but my interest is growing. I heard about them before but never really looked into them.

Yea i hear ya. It would be better to push it back than release it with sub-par games or not many games at all. I hope it has a strong launch lineup. If development has been an issue, than it would be in Nintendo's best interest not to rush it.

Last I checked, this article was tagged as a rumor. So yea, if they find out anything on the contrary or anything to substantiate the story, I'm sure we will see an update.