
The PSVita will definitely win the handheld battle if they have a strong launch lineup, easy to navigate UI and "good" online experience. I say "good" because I wasn't at all impressed with the 3DS online features so it wouldn't take much for PSVita to win in that category.

Watch where you walk. Every time you take a step you're ruining this planet and it's your fault. You know what... just stay inside and don't breathe either. If you were proactive about helping the environment you would go kill yourself so you stop ruining everything.


I don't think it will sell as well as the Wii. Nintendo has been disappointing me a lot recently with the 3DS. When it comes to gaming, they do not seem to understand how awesome the social/online aspects of the xbox and PS3 compared to the Wii/3DS.

If you know what Philadelphia Cream Cheese is but don't know what I have been talking about, than you are either a complete idiot or a mets fan.

Here is a .gif that shows our mascot in action.

Yes I am exactly the same way. Looking at the hours you put into those games I am at the same level. I search every nook and cranny for anything I can get.

I couldnt edit the comment to be more descriptive but that "mascot" is not the mascot.... it is the liberty bell.

lol mascot?

Damn it feels good to be a Phillies Fan...

I'll most likely be getting the Hardened version. I was already planning on getting MW3 and kinda wanted to check out how Elite works for at least a trial period. Considering I know I will by the map packs, I thought I might as well go for it and pick up the hardened version.

I keep getting more and more disappointed by Nintendo and the 3DS. I do not play it much anymore. I thought it was cool when I played Super Street Fighter and saw it for the first time but it got boring real fast. Ocarina came out, and I played it for a few days and got bored again (in this case, nostalgia got

That would make sense that they stopped the concurrent streaming on a single account. I was surprised that they even let this happen for so long.

Donkey Kong Country Returns is a pretty cool game. This reminds me that I gotta sit my ass down and finally finish through the final stage.

$150, 3 cameras and a few cell phones later, all I can say is this vacation just got a whole lot better!

Anybody trying out the CoD Elite beta? I finally started checking it out a bit yesterday and wanted to try uploading some screenshots/videos to see how it all works. Seems alright so far I guess but I'll have to wait until MW3 to have a better opinion on it.

Technically, in this case, it blows.

I really cannot wait. It's gonna be awesome. Soooooooooo awesome.

I broke numerous NES controllers back in the day and the ones I have left have been gnawed on because of Super Mario Bros. Same with SNES, Sega Genesis as well.

This game sounds and looks terrible. Oh yay... i get to walk around this stupid world and kill stupid animals and things. Cool, I can get married... not! I bet this game will sell like shit-stained underwear. After reading about this game... I'm totally flaccid.