

Man, I never really cared much for those types of figurines as well as anime in general. I can watch it and I'm sure i could find one I like but I've only ever seen the ones that a good friend of mine watches.

Chocobo.... with BBQ sauce.

I love legs... and damn did it take me a long time to scroll through the list of games to post this comment.

Hahaha... that was my fantasy baseball team name.

Hmm... kinda interesting that you know HIS wife's safe word.

And let's not all forget about letting it all hang loose!....

Whoa.... I think I just dropped my extra large magnum condoms. Because I have a huge dong.

Yea I would recommend renting or borrowing from a friend. I am thoroughly enjoying the game but I like the puzzles as well as the story/art/interactions.

I have enjoyed the game so far and I think it deserves at least an 8 out of 10. I really wish there were more areas to explore and people to talk to but other than that it is refreshing to have a game this different. The story, themes, and choices made are unique compared to games that are out now.

I opened mine up.... i couldn't resist. I dunno how rare it will be since anyone who pre-ordered got one. I was thinking about getting the deluxe edition, but i honestly only wanted the pillowcase from that.

I am thoroughly enjoying Catherine. Spent all day after work playing it yesterday. I really wish there was more than just the bar to explore and talk to people though. It's pretty cool how the puzzles tie into the story, especially the "Boss" puzzles.

I never said it was useless, but is it useful enough to start implementing the technology? It's called a "handheld" device for a reason.

I didn't complain because I cancelled. I was thinking of canceling even before the price hike. I was getting tired of adding movies/shows to my instant streaming list than, when I finally had time to watch, seeing that they were removed from instant streaming.

I really like the stained glass window in the door.... but the 2 1/2 rows of blue towards the bottom are bugging the shit outta me.

"an impossibly slim structure that will be built in a crack between two buildings"

It may add additional functionality but, the phone is in your hand... is it really necessary? Just reach out and touch the screen.

Either way, I got a good laugh from it.

My grandma would like to have a word with you...
