
Oh shit... internet high five! We thought the same thing pretty much at the same time.

The bathrooms?

Can't seem to promote this comment but I'll reply and hope it promotes it.

It doesn't work for me on IE8 but it works fine on Firefox 5

I've been so disappointed with the 3DS since I bought it. This week is no different.

We're sorry....

Does your cat make too much noise....?

I would have thought this would have been built in San Francisco... for gay pride or something along those lines.

Video games and beer are perfect together.

I'm kinda upset that, with all the money i spent, Nintendo is giving me pins...

If there's one "comedian" I cannot stand it's Jamie Kennedy. I can't remember a movie or joke of his that i found amusing. And I have, sadly, seen some of his movies.

That picture gets me every time.... i felt bad for Mike Myers lol.

There must have been a little racism in your coffee this morning...

I miss "Week in Comments" too... I always read those articles.

Ya'll a bunch of mamby pambys...

Oh wow... I was about to make some stupid comment about "how about let's wait until thursday."

Yup. so true. I remember seeing people bitch about Excitebike on the 3DS and it was free... and still is for awhile.

I'm kinda disappointed. I haven't gotten a beta invite and I signed up pretty much right away. :(

but some anus' smell worse than others...

*refreshes email*