
You do know RFA is an american propaganda outlet right? Also why exactly would they ban something that’s literally showing the horrors of capitalism?

> paramilitary contingent

Someone needs to do one of these “vagaries of capitalism lead to impoverishment” stories set in the Dark Souls universe.

Hell, if it results in a quality game like Dead Cells then they’re clearly doing something right.

But on a serious note, worker collectives are a great idea that are actually extremely viable in many fields and industries.

He’s not wrong about MGS2 either. That shit holds up.

Depends on how you feel about irony and crude jokes, backed by some sincerely held leftist beliefs in a “better world for all” in the face of rightwing neofascism. They definitely provide a lot of catharsis for me, and a unique voice that isn’t heard a lot in the media sphere (read: they aren’t liberals)

Biederman is good people. He was part of a large group of folks I grew up with (maybe 17 years or so ago when we all first met) on the old GameSpy Forums. It was honestly one of those places where we would wind up discussing everything but actual video games, and you were judged by how funny, mean, and witty your

Yes it is hilarious. And if you are at all interested in progressive movements, or Democratic Socialism, it’s pretty great too. 

It’s good, they usually are right on a lot of political topics and end up usually being really funny. Just don’t take everything they believe as canon, though. I really would just try out a few clips on youtube and see if you like them from there. 

This is probably my favorite Kotaku article ever. 

I had a former housemate who never ever scanned a single thing in Metroid Prime and got frustrated when he couldn’t figure out how to progress. This same person would ignore the map/compass in Zelda games too - would walk into a new room, do a lap, walk out the same door he came in and then be confused and annoyed as

Worth it!

Mechanica best girl!

Maybe the Democratic party should spend less time bitching about Bernie Sanders and more time adopting some of his policies.

This is crazy talk. I’m 31 and it’s one of my favorite games ever.

Seriously. Why would anybody want to play an amazing game after the age of 12?