
This fish-helm reminds me a bit of the Hound's own snarling helmet. Pretty cool...

Ha! *pulls bemused, confused, disapproving Arnie face*

Love this more than crushing my enemies, seeing them driven before me, and hearing the lamentations of their women...

Double-hard bastard - AKA Boba-Fett with a sword and a slightly larger vocabulary.

I'm down with that. Just FYI.... :)


Frodo? How long did Gandalf say the giant eagles would be? It's starting to rain - fire - and Game of Thrones is on in an hour!

That's fine - just be gentle. ;)

Feel free to use mine anytime - when they're functioning - I wrote a werewolf story for last years NaNoWriMo - which overhauled my loitering ambition of being a writer; now I'm blogging (more of an online scrapbook) writing some #FlashFic, and slogging through a dark/weird fantasy I've been working on for a while

There's no substitute for another pair of eyes - things like that can be staring you in the face - and your completely blind to them.

Not at all. :)

Live by the sword - die by the sword...

Now I must *bear* the shame...

I've done that to - but often the act of writing changes what I'd planned to write about - without going to far off track; sometimes following these twists and turns as they come to life very often leads to gold.

I'll bare that in mind!

I'd like that 4:01 back please.

Care for Star Wars,no-longer I do.

"Great shot, kid! Now let's blow this thing and go home!"

I don't even text a hundred times a month. And some of those are to myself. TRUE