
More than likely, but I'd have to stick to TDM matches and run around trying to knife everyone while screaming about weapon balance and noobtubes.

It's all just subjective man. It just comes down to a matter of taste really, although I'm not speaking solely about a preference towards 8-bit only (rather about 2d sprites vs 3d renders.) I personally prefer sprites over 3d because I think that well designed sprites look better than some of the 3d models used in

well, yeah. That's what fans want. You obviously have a problem with the entire core concept of the game, so remind me why you are here again?

The marketing seems to be just as bad as the Vita's.

I knew that was going to happen!

"I'll wait for the Game Of The Year Edition" is pretty much a gamer catch phrase nowadays.

Sadly "Fair Use" doesn't mean shit to Youtube...

Sometimes you want a four course meal at a five star restaurant.

And Boogerman!

You mustn't be old enough to remember just how badly the shoe was on the other foot last gen. Microsoft took EVERY opportunity to lambast Sony at EVERY turn, to the point where it ended up looking like a playground bully picking on a weaker kid.

What's so not classy about it? Seems like pretty ordinary marketing to me; emphasize the selling points of your product over the competition.

Don't have an Xbox One, but still have a 360? No problem... just turn up the contrast on your TV... and then... WOH... all of a sudden you get Xbox One graphics on your 360!

but this twist was definitely much more satisfying.

Strange, the woman herself looks kind of like a male character in female colors.

Indeed. That would mean someone in the entertainment industry would have to do something that makes sense.

These remind me of one of my favourite artists from the last decade—Micah Wright. He did some wonderfully insightful (and sometimes scary) "remixed propaganda" posters for the Bush era. And apparently he's still up to it, bless his heart.

I'll take Roy please.

You can blame Activision for that. Way way too many games and spin-offs.