
Thank you! I was starting to get disheartened by the comments on this story. Children are really sharp and they often don't get enough credit for it. Sure, not all of them can be Harriet the Spy, but some are.

I can SO corroborate those feelings! I also had the awkward ill-fitting Old Navy tops which fit fine in the store, but lost 3 inches in length as soon as you got them home. And flares. WHY?! I have a hard time looking at pictures from middle school. So much awkward.

My cat is not pleased by this, he is currently glaring at me from the next room. Not sure if I should stop the video or see what he'll do if I let it continue...

But if you're sitting on a regular chair, how will your coworkers know how laid-back you are!?

I didn't realize insurance companies were refusing to pay for them. When I got mine (late January) my provider checked with my insurance company to find out the coverage terms before they would even make me an appointment for insertion. I assumed it was because of the ACA, since there were different dates for certain

Yes! When I got my Paragard I was really nervous about insertion because I've never given birth and I tend to be.....not great with pain. My GYN was like "I do insertions for like, 15 year olds all the time. You'll be fine." After that I decided she was awesome. I imagine her being an IUD crusader, dispelling myths

Yes! With Mirena and Skyla you *may* stop having your period.

You've got a lot of responses here but I thought I would throw in my 2 cents as well.

UGHH that's the worst! You paid for the ticket, made the trip to the venue, stood in a crowd of people, bought over priced watch the show through a tiny screen AND ruin it for everyone behind you? Your decisions are bad and you should feel bad!

Is it wrong that I'm still sad over the loss of Lisa Frank?

Seriously! We don't need to be policing what other adults are eating, they can handle that themselves.

"They have great texture without being too weirdly like chicken"

Your response is good, and you should feel good!

I've never actually seen Jurassic Park, but I sincerely hope it's as entertaining as this post. That was golden.

I, for one, am really excited to see the Lisa Frank pictures that people are posting. Hugging penguins and sparkly unicorns? How could that NOT put a smile on your face? LISA FRANK FOREVER!

It's perfect! Seriously, that just made me so happy.