
For that part we used a method where you only focus on one of the orbs above the map (we used bottom right), everybody except the runner DPS him in the bottom portion of the map then jump up and clear ads. After the ads are gone we went after the same orb. This was a rince-and-repeat process until he was down.

The way people in the first three movies speak of the Jedi has always seemed strange to me, as if they were some myth from 2000 years ago. Luke is what, 18-20 years old? There were tons of Jedi just 18 years ago, all over the galaxy! It’s like if we collected Vanilla Ice, MC Hammer and Boyz II Men CDs and posters and

Wow, they let a “you’re”/“your” mix-up slip into print?

I can’t even find the words for why I can’t find the words.

My daughter (3 years old) saw this as I was scrolling by and freaked out running around the house yelling “Kitty Gameboy!!!!! I get Kitty Gameboy!!!!!!!!!”. I blame you Brian.

Jeez, in a year or so it might actually be the game we were promised.

It is fun as hell

Aha gotcha! oh yeah?! yeah,oh yeah? yeah..

Gotta say, that was sweet. Reminds me of the chrono belt for Tanya in Red Alert 3.

I kinda dug how that nice kid trying to steal the girl from the bully set you up for a resolve and then just went with the girl telling him she didn’t like him like that.

That’s why I never play GTA: Online on public servers, only with friends. It’s way more fun and there are no players mindlessly looking to just kill the other player as soon as they see them. Yeah, I get that it’s GTA and that’s kinda the point if you insist but still. Public servers in games like these are not fun.

Now playing

As with all things, the proper answer is mass effect.

It actually reminds me a bit of those “Mockup of an Old Game as a New Game” type images, that float around the Internets to much acclaim.

100% agree. Waiting for years and years, then only to be let down.

I waiting for this game for four years. Four. Years. I was actually saddened by how shallow the worlds turned out to be, and how hollow all of Bungie's promises were.

"See all of that? All of that is playable terrain!" Nope.
"A Rich, Cinematic Story." NOPE.
"A world you want to live in. A universe you care about."