
Big Hero 6 was one of the year's best movies, and you can lock in your preorder right now for $20. [preorder Big Hero 6, $20]

*sob* I know...

Anyone want to sherpa a lowly level 26 through some of these exploits before they're all gone? PSN / Bungie: Fuze9.

There's a scene in The Lord of the Rings where Frodo tells Sam that due to the corrupting power of the One Ring, he feels "sort of stretched, like apricot jelly scraped over too much toast." Or something like that. Anyway, that's Destiny: delicious apricot jelly scraped over too much toast.

Thanks for this post. It's rare that we get to hear this side of the story.

Yeah, stupidly overpriced for what the service is right now, and the fact that you don't have complete access to PS3 titles you've already purchased digitally is criminal.

There are lots of straight-up problems, too—the 2.00 software launch was an embarrassment, causing systems to hard-lock when put to sleep and causing other smaller, aggravating issues. PlayStation Network seems to suffer from regular outages, which is an increasingly big deal in an era of always-online games. The PS4

Game of Thrones Season 5? Wow, well that's jumping the gun a bit.

Oh, I kid. Your post was clear; I just got off GameFAQs (after just buying Smash yesterday), so it's fun to be a cranky old man, decrying these whippersnappers and their whosiewhatsits!

Man, I'm so out of the loop. You say that and I read "if you play against a whiggywham, and I jiggyjonk while you frollywhump, you better check your KCP23s!"

Here's a hint as to who this game is meant to cater toward:

-_- How fun.

Not to mention the fact that other games can handle this just fine. Time yo' 'cheevos, man. In Walking Dead, they pop 'em after each chapter; in The Last of Us, there are like two story-related ones.

As has been pointed out on Twitter, this is all the more absurd when you consider there are no such standards for iTunes movies or TV shows. Yes, I can buy Game of Thrones on my iPad, but not Papers, Please (uncensored).

Ugh! I still haven't even started my copy of X/X-2 on the PS3. I'm wondering if I should just sell it now before the value drop precipitously or just hang onto it (considering the upgrades on PS4 will surely be pretty minor).

Fuze9 on PSN (PS4), still level 24, so I need a babysitter.

Equally grating in its repetition is the music. Nice the first time, but nothing that bombastic was meant to be played on a loop.

I feel like so many big entities do this. In editorials, podcasts, speeches it's just "that movement." #GamerGate ain't Voldemort. Sad to see even big players too afraid of the backlash to call a spade a spade.

Found a Chrome extension to disable all YouTube comments. My life is significantly better.

Of course, there are all sorts of possible factors in play here—there are scenarios where parts of a development team might start work on DLC while other members of the team are finishing up the main game, therefore allowing some early assets to ship with the disc. In this case, it's clear that most of the unfinished