
Fuze9 on PSN (PS4), still level 24, so I need a babysitter.

Equally grating in its repetition is the music. Nice the first time, but nothing that bombastic was meant to be played on a loop.

I feel like so many big entities do this. In editorials, podcasts, speeches it's just "that movement." #GamerGate ain't Voldemort. Sad to see even big players too afraid of the backlash to call a spade a spade.

Found a Chrome extension to disable all YouTube comments. My life is significantly better.

Of course, there are all sorts of possible factors in play here—there are scenarios where parts of a development team might start work on DLC while other members of the team are finishing up the main game, therefore allowing some early assets to ship with the disc. In this case, it's clear that most of the unfinished

For more evidence of this dynamic (and a great companion piece to that ClickHole article) today's IGN column on the matter refused to even use the word GamerGate, instead cryptically referring to "The Movement."

The Player and Trust Me were the two closest cousins that came to mind for me while watching the film.


This is a series I've heard mentioned so much that I was convinced I already picked them up in some bundle already (turned out I hadn't); still, I never knew what the games actually were until now. Nonetheless, terribly confusing naming convention for a newcomer (though no worse than plenty of others out there).

Curiously, I see a lot of arguments (mainly in Totilo's mentions) along the lines of "GamerGate will go away if you just [accede to this list of demands]," which is generally how hostage negotiations go. And I guarantee those goalposts will always move.

Yup, I keep seeing posts about their (great) sales, and reflexively shrink away in disgust before remembering it's completely unrelated.

I'm skeptical because I routinely see Gamergaters fail to let incompatible facts get in the way of a red-ink-stained imgur. I've had some tell me Gamergate would have been over if only Kotaku had acknowledged complaints about our reporting (but we did right away and have been up-front about corrections for years) or

Key point & one more hot-button issue: "During the discussion, Sarkeesian asked if weapons will be permitted at the speaking venue. Sarkeesian was informed that, in accordance with the State of Utah law regarding the carrying of firearms, if a person has a valid concealed firearm permit and is carrying a weapon, they

Love the line-up for "doing this for fun." Some of my favorites right there.

Curious. It is telling that we (and presumably many other Guardians) were resurrected. Either way, one thing that bugged me is that we heard all about The Darkness but never fought it directly. The Vex seemed to be its closest allies (I think?), but they weren't like, part of the force that is The Darkness. Kind of a

So, when you open it, you'll be seeing one upside-down primal Kyogre above a normal, right-side-up Kyogre? What a captivating design...

Prefect timing. I just picked up this game over the weekend.

Thanks for pointing out that the hashtag started out "as a means to insult, harass and objectify a female developer." The egregious, sexist harassment was square one. If you're "one of the good ones," if you don't want to be lumped in with 4chan trolls, don't use their hashtags. It's just that simple.

Official rule: NO ONE gets to comment here until and unless they WATCH THE VIDEO FIRST. Then, you can come here and complain.