
wub wub wub wub wub wub wub

God of War Saga ($20) | Amazon | That's an easy 5 platinum trophies right there God of War Saga Collection $19.96 Buy now M432 readers bought this

4 Film Favorites: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Collection [Blu-ray] ($15) | Amazon

To be fair, there is a discount for early adopters:

Isn't it also coming to the 360?

True; I suppose it's less a caricature of the way anyone speaks, more of how some sort of pidgin advertisement might appear. (Photo of steak -> "Amazing. So fresh! Much enjoy.") Am I racist for making this assumption? I mean, what's the actual origin here?

I've been wondering this for a while—is Doge kinda racist? I was under the assumption that it was meant to parody one or two things: "engrish," that is to say Asian (perhaps Japanese in particular given that it's a Shiba Inu) ESL trends as seen in advertisements and/or Ahmed Angel, the "king of cringe."

For when you need to........................ roll deep.

I'm getting it along with a $10 gift card (comes with any $60 game) and another $15 coupon (for pre-ordering) at Toys 'r Us. Discounts aren't all at once, but still a hair better.

Agreed. I don't care what the excuse is, when you strip out basic functions like that between generations, that's unacceptable. An iPod shouldn't look more capable than a $400 home console. And getting rid of audio CD playback? That's just sad.

And how. I'm flabbergasted by how cumbersome its menus feel in this, the year of our Lord two thousand and thirteen.

I'm definitely getting Gone Home sometime soon, but Humble Bundles have me spoiled. Now I can't help but wonder if I'll be able to get it for $1 eventually. Same phenomenon with PS+.

So why are you recommending $9 lightning cables from Monoprice over the $4 ones at Newegg?

So why are you recommending $9 lightning cables from Monoprice over the $4 at Newegg?

Good day to you, I say. GOOD DAY. 1332-7780-2173.

*Shoves money inside computer* MAKE IT HAPPEN

Added you. I'm at 1332-7780-2173.

Xbox Gamertag: fuze9 (but it might be a bit before I renew Gold; it just expired last week after a bit of GTA Online).