I like the way the aliens use lassos - it's as if the two sides have a shared tactic.
I like the way the aliens use lassos - it's as if the two sides have a shared tactic.
#corrections Portal 2 is $35 for the PC and $45 for the PS3
The vignetting? I totally assumed that was almost a holdover from the subtitles in some of the screens. That'd be just bizarre in the game.
I would assume so. Then again, if we see Japanese MPs driving around in Porsches in three months, this'll get pretty awkward.
My first thought too. I mean, what Alien and Aliens had was some (admittedly minor in the case of Jonesy) maternal, emotional anchor. Something to save. It seems like that's what Nicole is supposed to be, but I think Isaac's mostly just annoyed at her getting in the way of his stompin'.
Oh it was soo painful for me when I saw her again after pity sex with Garrus. It's like Liara knew before we even said anything, and I could just tell Shep missed her so much.
Although I wholeheartedly agree with most of this, the game was made largely by two awesome ladies - kinokofry and auntiepixelante - and I'm not sure what to make of that. (Not that it excuses the pervasive misogyny of the gaming industry.)
Really cute - she wouldn't look out of place in a Ninja Theory game.
Man, one time I yawned so hard I tore the little line underneath my tongue and spit up blood for a while, but this is terrifying.
But this one's newwww!!! I have the old charge base too, but how can I live with its new-found obsolescence?
To be fair, I'm willing to bet the vast majority of them have been banned and/or had their score reset.
Not only is there no jailbreak, but the tools we were hoping would be implemented have been patched, meaning it's anyone's guess when and if new exploits will be found.
Agreed.. The original comment makes no sense. The codec families that make up some of the Apple staples - from H.264 to ProRes - are very reliable, and plenty of professional video companies use them for their work. The difference alluded to in this article between QuickTime and RealVideo has little to do with the…
Seriously - everyone rushes to help except the one guy that might be qualified to know what's going on.
I'd love to see any and all of those concepts fleshed out. As others have implied, that first images gives one an Iron Man "armor wars" vibe, with the Galactic Federation trying to make Samus obsolete. Mostly, I'd just love to see a sprawling, HD Metroid Prime game.
Thanks for the advice. So if I were to get a stick, you'd recommend a square gate? I'd always figured octagonal was superior.
I bought one of these on day one and have slowly been adjusting to use it.
@DashMoney: To be fair - it really was a "box office box."
Emily!!! She wins the prize. The RDR ones are my favorite.
@kev: My thoughts exactly. At the very least, it's a nice android phone with buttons, but with the right implementation, it's that plus everything the PSP was during its life cycle.