
How many miles per gallon does it get?

I love him. So there. Omg, i love him. I would lick the spray tan off his face.

R u calling him a liar?

I think one of the takeaways from this past election is that carbon neutral is bad. The American people have spoken. Quit coddling mother earth

Yay! Big win for the American people!*

No, it would be “contemporary art.” “Modern” art refers to art based on abstract shapes and 💩. Duh

Oy veh, really? Who watches this 💩?

Those Parrot ziks r pretty nice.

Those Parrot ziks r pretty nice.

If it ain't broke...maybe?

I bet it gets good gas mileage. Where can I get one?

I hope Prince is kicking it with Bowie and Lou in some velvet roped-off corner of heaven. What a bummer.

“In space, no one really gives a shit about your emails.”

The loser of this fucking thing should be forced into exile on the ISS or some sort of time-out capsule. Get him out of here, eh? I’m here all night folks.

You really should shut your fuc&ing mouth wildcat