
Jesus. Alexa Vega slow down. You've already been married and divorced once.

Well, from what she said, he wouldn't go public after two years of dating. That would probably cause me to crack too.

I'm pretty sure Johnny Galecki mentally broke Kelly Cuoco.

Defiance is perfect and I will not tolerate comments to the contrary.

He raped a child. The fuck is this nonsense.

I was so young when that came out that I seriously thought African American Mom + Gay White Dad in the form of Vincent Garber = Asian Baby. I was sorely disappointed when I found out that was not the case.

I wouldn't bet on it. Last I heard, all the kids had were "checking accounts", not trusts.

Like Scott...who was then fired.

Yeah...their treatment of those kids made no sense. Kate obviously had favorites and I'm sure the kids were aware of it too.

If I want anyone to write a tell-all from that mess, I want it to be her.

I will never feel badly for Jon or Kate Gosselin. They willingly exploited their children and deserve whatever karmic comeuppance they receive.

He, Alan Rickman, and Jason Isaacs are my three passes. I'm not sure what I would do if I actually saw any of them in public.

I would wreck that.

Alan Rickman is a god. His voice... oh my lands his voice.

It's mostly because they have incredible health problems and tend to die young. Moreover, mama cat can actually DIE during this process because the crossbreeding results in them being so large.

Granted, these little guys are cute. But these kind of practices are incredibly irresponsible. We shouldn't be encouraging these kind of breeding programs.

Major props. My hip dysplasia means I can barely get through a 5k without screaming.

No joke. Watched the entire season without realizing it until the finale. I felt super smart.

WHAT!!!! Amy Poehler and Will now this?! I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING. LOVE IS DEAD

My mom is in the hospital right now for a blood clot. This made me sob so hard.