Please tell me you're new here, and not just stupid. Please.
Please tell me you're new here, and not just stupid. Please.
I wasn't aware that it was possible to disagree with a joke. Dislike? That would make more sense.
You seem to be good at understanding jokes.
He was such a clear and obvious threat to the heavily armed and armoured defenders of good.
There was a joke there... Go back and look for it, but be warned... It might jump out at you suddenly and you'll be surprised to realize it was there all along.
I'd go overboard, too, if I was a police officer in Tucson that finally got to do something.
You don't say!
Calling what happened there a 'riot' does a disservice to violet uprisings everywhere. It also plays handily into our increasingly dystopian view of things.
In related news, Joe Arpaio is still an asshole.
Look, I think we can agree that the cop shouldn't have reacted so violently to that woman. But, in his defense, it was obviously a heightened, tense situation. She should know better than to act in a way that any reasonable bystander would consider highly unnatural.
In a related story, Kaleb Tarczweski is preliminarily planning to file a lawsuit against Frank Kaminsky for assault as well.
Just looks like a bunch of police taking advantage of a situation to use their training. I haven't seen one video yet where their aggressive posture was necessary.
Just because Reddit happens to be the garbage bin of the internet where literally EVERYTHING vaguely interesting is thrown doesn't mean the news comes from Reddit. That's like asking when the BBC is going to stop getting its news from the people of Earth.
Can someone point to the part where this guy deserved to be bumrushed by half a dozen cops in riot gear?
Agreed, its really fun, coming from someone who has burnt out on every MMO you can imagine and knows not much about Elder Scrolls lore (played Oblivion and Skyrim a ton though didn't pick up on the lore much) and I haven't even gotten to the PvP yet.
The Early Access has been pretty damn amazing really looking forward to the rest of ESO.
I really enjoyed the musical guest, Sam Smith. He's like a mixture of Antony Hegarty and Adele. His voice is terrific.