What a douche. 18 days out of the year. Does he need to use the gym everyday? Does England has "right to refuse service"? Because if I was the owner I would give his money back and show his entitled ass the door.
What a douche. 18 days out of the year. Does he need to use the gym everyday? Does England has "right to refuse service"? Because if I was the owner I would give his money back and show his entitled ass the door.
I'm glad this is issue is brought up, because the vast majority of Mexican soap operas are the same and sadly even more powerful than a movie of Tyler Perry. No one cares the trash the disseminate every fucking day because they are in Spanish, but is exactly the same sexist, emotional guilt trip garbage that Perry…
Gibsons. Or martinis with white onions instead of olives. I just need three drinks and playing my shaman in world of warcraft. I want to play a healer for a while.
The video ad says radiance, not whitening. As in the delicate silky shine you get at the edge of your face, not the overall tone. Unless you are saying that radiance should not be sold to African Americans, only whites, because that is the purpose of make up. How would you sell your product and say, "... and radiance…
OMG, I can't even... Really?
Stick a bindi here.
I've heard the word fashionista the most from gay men. And every time I do I feel that our chances of achieving equality and respect die a little bit. Is like, what the fuck is a fashionista anyway? Everyone wears fashion in one way or another. Is like the stupidest word ever and I'm glad it's creator is atoning for…
I don't agree with the tone of this article claiming that the bio father is ok to block the adoption. That is just lame. Makes me think that he didn't wanted to help the mom raise the kid, at the same time leaving his options open for a reunion in the future and enjoy all the fatherly rewards that he never was willing…
It sucks they blatantly used World of Warcraft as reference. The add sucks anyway, diet soda taste like ass too. People who have tastebuds that can't differentiate between an ashtray and what they drink deserve this add. It has Archer's voice, so I'm glad at least the dude is getting work offers.
That's nice, because she is not blonde like Gwen or Jessica Simpson, she should stick to her thing where she comes from. Is really nice to have other options, unless you are not white.
Have you considered that the bindi is not owned by one group? India is a big country and that symbol is used by many. Just like the christian cross. Some would be offended, some won't care. So all this time Gwen Stefanni circa 90's was a racist? Ugh, enough with the extreme pc ness. It doesn't help.
George Clooney called, he wants the bat nipple suit back.
He can be xenophobic, but can he be homophobic with a last name like "Bellifemine"? I don't know much Italian, but isn't his last name means "Belli" pretty, "femine" female? I guess his assholeness has some "over compensation" issues as well.
However, the next sign the restaurant erected read: "Seriously, focus your energy on equal rights."
Leg dislocation while wearing armor looks painful.
The only way that women, gays and minorities are going to get the representation they deserve in comics is by creating new comics. While I love the classics, they feel stale to me. Marvel has done a great job. I remember the x-men were divided in two teams. One of the leaders of these teams was Cyclops, and the other…
After reading the tweet I speculated that the genius behind this gem of a tweet must be a person of intellectual value to CARE what he thinks. Then I proceeded to see his previous tweets and among those I found he retweeted this inspirational thought.
I heard she already signed up for a cameo in the next Tyler Perry masterpiece.
When I was in college I used drink anything and everything. I was an idiot. Margaritas were my fav, then moved to beer, but back then to prevent the imminent brain nuclear meltdown I used to eat hershey's chocolate bars and drink gatorade after drinking. Now I'm not that stupid to get that drunk, I don't drink…
Religious schools are infamous for kicking out students for any stupid reason . Mom is a stripper, parents are gay, etc. However in this case, the poor girl didn't expected her sext to be shared with the whole team. The teasing and the bullying would be endless. She needed to change schools. The guys who shared her…