
I don't smoke, hate the smell of it and when I was single I tried (emphasis on tried, I wasn't successful applying that rule) to never get laid with guys who smoked. However this lame ass campaign of never, ever, ever forever, seeing someone smoking on movies or tv is crap in my opinion. Smoking rates are down, I

Symbolic. PR stunt to defuse all the bad publicity they are getting now that prop H8 is at the supreme court. Don't care. Next.

The amount of shit that happens in Cuba related to human rights violation in a year, (I'm ballparking it here, based on size of population and geography) probably is less, than the shit that happens in China in a day. But the good thing is that China makes iPhones, so I guess yeah, Cuba is like bad and stuff.

"Any institution including religion that says women and men are fundamentally different - and men should have much more power than women- is fundamentally misogynistic."

So how is this supposed to improve the lives of the oppressed women in the muslim world?


My gaydar tingles to the max of the scale every time I see him. His issues with women are just the tip of the iceberg, he seriously has ISSUES. Total turn off from the start of his career when the main characters always go to church. Is like he is trying to be the Christian Almodovar, with the obvious success.

When I lived in San Francisco I loved to go to visit Japan Town. I loved this small but vibrant community, parents, kids, spouses and how lame it was I never knew squat about their story, their lives because you can't find them on tv. It made me wonder what it would be like living in a country where you are totally

Not true. You need to get out more. It wasn't a car sales show. It was a business party. As in, how can we collaborate, how can we work to make our business better, no "I'm buying that with the hopes I get laid".

Thanks, I agree, they are eventually going to be defeated both prop 8 and doma, but is like looking at a lava lamp in one of those slo mo cameras, just sad. It has been a rollercoaster of emotions that I would never wish upon no one. I mean, marriage was really good for me because it gave us something that recognizes

This is a great article indeed.

What if there were clowns and balloons and magicians, but sadly, was not that kind of party. It's a business party, which could be fun and not make it a sopranos business meeting. They are not launching the newest bikini volleyball video game.

Er, I wouldn't bet nothing, hear me, nothing on Adria. She used the same twitter account to make this dick joke herself.

I agree, I actually don't believe that all men suck, my comment was on jest. But I like that is time to recognize that the goal of feminism shouldn't be all about men this or that, and more about what Lindy says, humanism. There is a lot to be done in the road to equality and there are a lot of people, men an women,

I love Joanne, I have the deepest gay crush on her. I love everything about her in the show and I get really mad if she doesn't get screen time. I learn that she was in the firefly series and I had to watch that show just because of her and I was, well, kind of underwhelmed, I guess I just love Joanne, she's still

As a gay man, when I heard women saying that men suck, I'll just give an "Amen girl, preaching to the choir here." The dating scene in San Francisco circa late 90's was pure hell. Best place in the world to come out of the closet though, but trying to date someone? O M G.

I loved Donna too. I really hated the way they got her out of the show. I was really mad at anything Dr Who for a while. It was kind of lame that she was made to forget and she couldn't remember or she would die. Arrggghh!!!

Love it!!!! LOL!!!