A variation of King Hippo...Eggplant wizard is the clue.
Munster...is that named after the cheese or the TV show? It might be a rarity I see Three Floyds in anything other than a specialty store or on some random tap but even so the beer gods still bless us here in Philly because we have access to all sorts of great brews like Victory and Dogfish Head to name a few.
Zombie Dust makes me want to move closer to Chicago because I can never find it here in Philly. I've only had it but twice and yet it still lingers in my mind as if a zombie was actually chewing at my brains.
I wouldn't put too much emphasis on the storage because there's methods of compressing files now in HD to play on smart phones, tablets, and other devices. So your average 1.5 hr movie in 720p could be between 400-600mb which isn't even a full CD worth of storage. Plus like everyone else said it is upgradable…
This was the most fun I had doing a shop contest in a while. It just reminded me of the good old days before they changed the comment system and ended tay pics.
I agree because it was my first submission And the one I spent the least amount of time on.
I surely thought should've won! Everything was perfect from the reference of the game tying into the actual painting itself and even the timing with AC3 weeks away. What the hell?!
I think that over sharing on social media is a real problem. I would even go as far to say that it's an addiction. You might be suffering from this addiction if you're tweeting about a pimple on your ass, checking in at a chair in your office, or any other insignificant posts about your life that people couldn't…
So they're threatening to sue Apple if the iPhone 5 resembles the phone they based off of the iPhone...HUH? For shame China! There's better things to do than threaten a multi-billion dollar company with ridiculous infringement claims. Where's that 5 Deadly Venoms remake we were promised?
Anyone see the new Ground Zeroes footage on GT? http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/ky1i83/metal-gear-solid—ground-zeroes-pax-prime-12—extended-gameplay-walkthrough—cam-
Burnt face can't be Hot Coldman because he was shot by Zadornoff. Anyone remember The Fury? He liked to play with fire and I don't recall him being confirmed dead.
It could be Liquid or any other of Big Boss's clones. My money is on Liquid because this would explain why he's so fucked up.
I don't know why people are complaining about another prequel sequel because to me, the two best games in the series are Snake Eater and Peace Walker which are both prequels.
I downloaded the demo and played one game and from what I can tell the only difference is that they changed the kicking meter...again. Personally I'd prefer it if EA would start releasing these sports games as online only dlc with updated rosters and charge us half the price because most of buy it for the multiplayer…
I haven't seen the English version but Baby Beel's nakedness is part of what made Beelzebub so funny...that and Furuichi's perviness and Alendon's unrequited homosexual love for Furuichi.
Manga is also great and they're translating a lot more of them to sell in English.
I thought that was New Kids On The Block...
I worked at Sam's Club many years ago, and when they had the class action suit against Walmart I was awarded $37. It's not a lot of money but all I had to do was check a box verifying I worked there at a certain time.
Yup I still come on and read a few articles everyday and you'll see me post for shop contest...as long as Kotaku keeps having them.