Thanks. The only other thing I could think of was Freddy Krueger claws for the night light but I didn't feel like sifting through the comments to see if it was already done. This new system is still a little weird to me.
Thanks. The only other thing I could think of was Freddy Krueger claws for the night light but I didn't feel like sifting through the comments to see if it was already done. This new system is still a little weird to me.
It's actually a Ubisoft game so maybe the U is for Ubi?
I guess he never heard of the NES which had over 800 games and probably half of them were trash...same could be said about the original Wii but to me both really saved the gaming industry in some way. The NES brought home gaming back from the dead and the Wii made gaming more popular and mainstream so that even your…
Aside from all endings the one that was hardest for me was the bear trials I think thats the one with the driving sequence. Overall I probably seen about 7 endings and still no trophy and now you got me wanting to go back and try again...dammit I want that platinum!
The thing I love about Android is the customization. You should check out go launcher which allows you to change the look of your phone like the icons. There's tons of skins and other go aps so you can really personalize your phone.
I played that like 5 times and still could not get that damn all endings trophy.
I don't know if its because I watch a lot of subbed anime but I like to leave my subtitles on especially when I'm playing a game with the surround sound off.
To the right we have Ms. Pompom, the cheerleader type that all the boys wanna f*ck. To our left is Ms. Hipster, who pretends not care about trivial things like fashion but her patterned dress from Urban Outfitters says otherwise.
Yea that's the problem with games that need special peripherals. They can get costly but that's why we have eBay & Craigslist.
I think anything can happen next gen. The wiiU might be a flop or it might be a success and I think it will depend on the games, not the performance.
Falling Skies & just seen this new HBO show called Newsroom which wasn't bad.
I used to love guitar hero but haven't played it in ages.
So no shop contest for 2 weeks huh? I say we have our own...I suggest this image of Mass Effect Barbie. []
I found out just recently you can login if you switch over to the full site. Depending on your phone and connection it might take longer to load.
Yup GTA IV, MGS 4, and GOW 3 were my main reasons for getting a PS3. For some reason Ridge Racer is a launch title for every console because I bought it for DS and PSP too.
Damn right I did! There was only about 5 games available at launch and I bought 3 of them which were Ridge Racer, Resistance, and Madden. Looking back now I could've waited at least a year before buying it because the line up of games was a bit disappointing at the time.
What's crazy is I was actually offered $1100 for my ticket stub that verified my spot in line...just the spot! What's even CRAZIER is I told the guy NO!
I actually got some blue dream and it's one of those strains that don't really give you couch lock so what I really need is someone to club me in the head.
Surprisingly I'm not the least bit tired right now. This is really nothing compared to when I waited at Best Buy for almost 3 full days to pay $600 for a PS3 at launch...WTF was I thinking? It was me and five other crazy folks to be first in line and the funny thing is the line didn't start building up until about…