Honestly, I cannot understand the batshit mental acrobatics and internalized misogyny that would enable any woman to defend Trump’s comments.
Honestly, I cannot understand the batshit mental acrobatics and internalized misogyny that would enable any woman to defend Trump’s comments.
If you don’t want your daughter to hear the word “pussy” maybe don’t let her watch the segment where you’re defending Donald Trump bragging about grabbing women by the pussy. That’s like going on Twitter on a Sunday night and complaining about Game of Thrones spoilers.
Typical left-wing pinko liberal media bias tactics #101: quote people accurately.
Trump surrogate and CNN commentator Scottie Nell Hughes got angry with fellow commentator Ana Navarro tonight for…
Please. Your logic and reason has no place in this...
My father is a die hard Republican (never voted for a non-Republican) very much fiscally conservative, served in the ROTC, fairly racist older white male, loved Reagan and both Bush presidencies. Trump is so god damn stupid it made that man say “Fuck it I’m out. I can’t vote for him.”
The fact that Mike Pence “won” the debate by lying his ass off about (or just flat out ignoring) all the crazy and deplorable shit Trump has said over the last year and a half, how poor of a businessman he is, and how stupid his proposed policies are, speaks to the sorry state of this presidential race very well.
Now I’m just throwing it out there. Maybe, just maybe, Trump might not be fit to be President.
There is nothing funny about the real Donald Trump, a raisin company mascot channelling the spirit of an internet…
I saw a bit of Commander Shepard and his special eyes, myself.
And now the gif, since Kinja apparently hates me.
Looks like a glitched Fallout 3 NPC.
You realize Kotaku isn’t making these quotes up to tarnish Trump’s candidacy, correct?
Usually I think people are entitled to their own opinions, no matter what they are. However, in the case of Trump, it’s simply a fact he’s a completely inept buffoon that runs his businesses into the ground repeatedly, and has no idea what he is talking about. He’s a swindler that regularly stiffs people that give him…
What politics? This is a talented voice actor reciting dumb celebrity quotes, not politics :p
You should comment less. And develop a sense of humor.
I mean, you deserve whatever you get for jerking off to Trump.
You know no one is forcing you to read it, right? Unless someone IS forcing you to read it. In which case, blink twice.
I’d rather vote Zapp than Trump.