When you "always want to salvage something when possible," remember: that's what you do when you're dumpster-diving. Sometimes it's better just to leave it in the trash ...
When you "always want to salvage something when possible," remember: that's what you do when you're dumpster-diving. Sometimes it's better just to leave it in the trash ...
I strongly encourage you to seek counseling about this, because I'm just giving a general impression from a couple of paragraphs: I get the distinct feeling that your husband is part of the problem. You're leading off by saying what a horrible wife you are: That is not a statement that comes out of a rocky…
Yes, you should see somebody about it if you're worried about it. However, make sure also that you are doing the things that any competent mental health professional will tell you to do as a matter of course: get regular exercise (a half-hour a day, even if it's just walking), eat healthy foods, don't drink a lot, go…
What DBSABPT said. More generally, you're the first person anyone coming into the office sees, and the first person they deal with. You will likely be coordinating the personal and phone traffic coming in to the office, and you'll have to do it in a calm, professional an competent fashion. You will have to deal…
I found that Lamictal (50-100 mg/day) was very effective in treating my suicidal ideation, but YMMV and I don't know if it has any interactions with Paxil. Good luck!
If you like books, Powells is wonderful. Not only is it huge, but its collection of used books is incredible. When I went there I was thinking about a minor nineteenth-century poet, not even looking in particular, and there on the shelf was a 1923 collection of his poems. Another time my family was there and they…
Seriously, SERIOUSLY delusional (if she means it and is not just trying to get attention).
I could more than tolerate it; I'd thoroughly enjoy it. No way it would happen, but I would be delighted to watch her self-immolate and burn down the Republican 2016 campaign with her.
LOL I went to high school with him! Don't remember him though.
So now we're down to "well everyone else has done it so I can too." Whatever.
After reading other comments and upon reflection, I would tend to agree.
There is nothing wrong with your psychologist talking to your GP; both are medical professionals who are responsible for helping you get well. If your psych has a problem with doing so, that's not a good sign.
Nah. You're probably not the first nor the last, and she might be having her own action on the side and not care. If she doesn't know, someone closer to her will find out eventually and break the news to her.
OK, pre-nup and abuse are completely understandable. But on reading other comments and re-reading the story, I'm now inclined to believe it's fiction.
What the ... why go through this insane stalking and obsessive chronicling of how your wife is cheating on you?!? (OK, yeah, you're totally distraught, people do stupid things.) The very first entry ends with "I realized my wife is cheating on me. I took a moment to realize that this was the end of our marriage." …
Same thing in Canoga Park: see, hear, speak no evil. I always had the impression as I was growing up that my surroundings were surreal, and it was confirmed when I moved away to go to college.
That might not be a bad idea if you are making such sweeping, disparaging generalizations. If you made similarly amorphous and negative assertions about a particular ethnicity or gender you'd be slammed hard here, with perfect justification.
I've worked in many places and lived in many cities for several decades, and have not seen what you are talking about. I have in fact seen the behavior you ascribe to the "boomer" age cohort displayed by young and old. Your mom is cool and your dad isn't. The boomer cohort you work with are bad people. You are…
Getting counseling might be a good idea, just so you have a trained professional to talk to about how to cope with what BigFoot is putting you through. It would probably be best if BigFoot were not to learn of it, so as to avoid giving her another weapon to wield. You needn't tell BigFoot's therapist either.
What really did it for me (although I was already successfully cutting back) was Zyban, also known as Wellbutrin when used to treat depression. It really helped suppress the rush and the cravings.