This. Now THIS is some intelligent, high-level trolling.
This. Now THIS is some intelligent, high-level trolling.
I’d imagine that they wanted him out if they’re abandoning him this quickly, unless the evidence against him is THAT irrefutable (I believe every word of the allegations, but sometimes it’s hard to come up with concrete proof).
The group sex parties would be easy enough to clock off, but the effects of mushrooms and drinking (mentioned above) don’t just end because junior walks in the door after school.
We can’t take joy in watching our enemies destroy each other?
In Megyn’s defense, how many orange, bloated, egotistical assholes is she supposed to take on at one time?.
I think it’s interesting that 21st Century Fox is waiving the NDAs. Looks like they are really trying to get rid of him.
I am not surprised that he did this, and I’m sadly also not surprised that Megyn waited till now to say anything. But I also understand the lure of keeping silent on stuff to preserve your job. :(
This is not a mistake. She broke the law doing a very nasty cruel thing to a woman at her gym. That’s straight up gross.
Good people don’t make “mistakes” like that. It was very malevoleant, cruel, and intentional.
She should honestly be banned from all gyms because of this. If I was working out and noticed her there you bet my ass I’d complain about not feeling safe with this airheaded criminal around.
I hope the woman finds out and sues the ever loving crap out of her.
Yeah. Good people can make mistakes, too. I just hope that the woman photographed either doesn’t know about it or has support to move onward. I would be very hurt if that happened to me.
What a horrible person. I hope that the woman whose picture was taken is doing okay. :( Such a foul fucking human, man.
Another high school mean girl, soon will be whining that people are being mean to her.
But it’s not ALSO! It’s instead. I keep telling you this - focusing on women and their behavior is not an addition to the solution. It is the only “solution” being offered and it has been for some time.
Hugs to you. Just ... so many hugs. Your story cut way close to an experience of my own. I’m sorry this happened to you. Have another hug.
Creating a burner to tell this story that I have never said out loud or even typed.