
Yes, but in my experience it tends to be more general, like ‘this is how you talk to girls’ more than ‘you should say this to Becky’. I also think there’s more of an expectation that guys know know how to handle this kind of stuff (because you’re not cool if you can’t get girls), so there’s less coaching, at least

Exactly. There’s this idea that women just don’t know what we want, and we need a man to show us. I know he thought that I’d call him after he randomly kissed me and say I’d been wrong all along. I don’t believe that he thought I’d feel squicked out and horrified. He’s a legitimately handsome guy, but his personality

That’s terrible!! OMG if anyone just up and kissed my cheek I would be so upset, I’m so sorry.

Ugh. This. With the trying to talk you out of the rejection. I’ve been told everything from “well it doesn’t have to be a big romantic thing, just go on a date with me” (haha, logic) to “you will be alone forever because you won’t give it up to me”.

I love how they know what you want and will never have after a ten minute online convo. How do you attract all these wizard mind readers?

I do not get this. I think I’m an average guy, but I must be a fucking visionary because I somehow figured out by the time I was oh, 15, that you can’t just convince someone to go out with you. If she says no, either let it go or find some other way to show her how awesome you are. This isn’t a debate; you’re not

“I guess I am lucky no one has tried to shoot me?”

It’s sad that the bar is set so, so low. “Hey, at least none of them have tried to kill me?!” But I totally get it.

But it’s that 28th time that juuuuuuust might seal the deal.

Honestly? I can’t even imagine this. As a teenager, hell, even as an adult, I was always hesitant to approach (i.e. never really did) someone I didn’t really know because I never wanted to make her uncomfortable. Because in reality, even if you’re the nicest guy in the world, you’re still a stranger who’s suddenly

what a fucking creep! fuck him.

Back when I dumped my ex, my toddler daughter and I lived with my mother for a bit. She lived in some closely-packed condos, and her next-door neighbor decided to ask her out one day. She said no. So the next day he came up to me, sitting on our front stoop watching my daughter on her little ride-on toy, and said he

This all day. It’s not even about “rejection,” it’s about being unable to handle being told no. The number of times I’ve politely declined a man with a “no thank you” only to be cursed out or called a dumb bitch is astounding. Hey, stranger, I don’t even know you well enough to reject you. I’m just passing and I don’t

It’s Tuesday (any year) so a man must have shot a woman for rejecting him. And it’s Tuesday afternoon so a man must also have shot her child because the mom rejected all his good charms.

He really showed why it was a good reason to reject him.

Some neighbors in the area, Local Memphis writes, are wondering why the young girl was out so late at night with her mother

I just visit Peter Pan Donuts in Greenpoint if I need to feel better.

Not to mention all the suits against him that have won. Like the time he was sued by the federal govt for violating the Fair Housing Act by refusing to rent to black people.

I had the same reaction. “I fell in love with my costar while we were pretending to fall in love” doesn’t really seem like a great basis for a relationship. But then again, I’m in a committed relationship with my cats, so what do I know?

As a classics major this is SO AMAZING!