
Sob! The idea of her bringing you little mouthfuls of kibble for strength is too adorable.

Thank you!

German Shepherd’s are amazing creatures. I hope he/she haunted their dreams for years to come :)

Sorry for the typos! I didn’t review my posting.

Years ago our house was burgled while no one was home. When my mom alone back from work, our family cat, Mako, greeted my mom at the door and tried to tell her that people had been in the house and something was wrong. Our family cockatiel, who knew how to bark, was apparently so loud that the burglers covered his

Is there a way you could inquire about the reason for this? It seems like it would really burn the balls.

Next time, please say something. Comments about political figures, no matter how misguided, are fair game. Blatant racist remarks are not. Racists should not get to feel comfortable when they display their racism, I don’t care how old they are.

I agree, it is totally bizarre. I suspect it’s because Trump feels that business attire is for men, so the only formal option for ladies is dressier dresses.

Wasn’t he horrific to Lisa Bonet though? Like blatant serial cheater, etc? I am pretty sure he doesn’t have the best reputation with women even if he is flipping smoking.

I’ve been listening to this album for 20 years but still find the songs terrifying. It’s a treasure.

Henry Lee is so beautiful it’s criminal.

Agree. And I flipping love Timothy Olyphant.

I wish I had more stars to give.

I was thinking of calling them ‘dirty bellows’ but figured that would be a tifle on the nose.

I would like to recommend Mrs. Pence to a reliable bra-fitter. Wasn’t there a Christian stylist who could have helped with this situation?  

Just turned 42 and same here!

I can’t wait to see the footage. I’m arriving in London in March for a work thing but will miss him (not that I am complaining).

Please release the full force of British humor and even class snobbery on him. Let the entire British royal family spurn him for years and may they send him photos with the Obamas on vacations. Keep him out of all of your most esteeemed clubs. May his every interaction be met with the scorn that only your wonderful

I had this exact argument with some BernieBros on facebook a couple of weeks ago. One of them absolutely hates Hillary (misogyny much?) and claims that if she really cared about these issues, she’d be out there agitating now. I explained that historically, defeated general election candidates take some time after

People in London and Paris are so lovely. Be polite and you will be just fine.