
That has happened to me several times in the past year. Ivanka does basic knock-offs of high end looks pretty well, but I would rather wear a meat dress. My mom’s friend mentioned that she specifically did not buy an Ivanka dress once she realized that’s what it was.

Actually, time to go to HR. If you are in a small office and there’s nobody to turn to, that makes sense. But if you do have resources, use them. And by all means, speak up. It’s one thing to make fun of people for political reasons and it’s another to put up with racist comments at work. You can make things

But you cannot effectively protest a business that is 90% electronic by yelling at a few people coming in and out of a building. The protesters could surround the building and Goldman would go on with everybody working from home or at the business continuity sites that everybody was forced to create after 9/11.

Not to mention that none of those individuals has the authority to make any statements on behalf of Goldman. All these protesters are doing is making workaday employees slightly uncomfortable and wasting huge amounts of their own energy. There are viable ways to protest, but yelling at fellow citizens is not one of

I’ve been meaning to watch this show for months. And now I will. Thanks very much for the nudge.

Did the whole chairlift fall, or did they slip out of it? That’s just awful but I’ve never been skiing and have only seen the mechanics of chairlifts from the movies.

Ahhhh! That is terrifying. I hope she is better now.

I was just going to give this advice. When I got my new job 3 years ago I treated myself to a python Jimmy Choo bag on clearance that was like 70% off at Nordstrom Rack. It still cost a bundle but it is gorgeous and looks brand new 3 years later. The key with discount high end shopping is patience. I’d think

100% agree. They turned Vanessa Ives into a victim and she was never that.

I took a class in college called, ‘Unnatural Women: Mothers who kill their children’. Yet somehow women weren’t up in arms. White people are a part of the narrative of race in this country and yet race is often construed as a minority person problem; that’s what the title of the course pointed out. Legislatures do

Why do you think it’s weird that white guy would want to study another group? White guys have been doing this since the beginning of academia. It’s a new thing that people in those groups have actually been able to join the conversation.

It’s because she’s pretty, no question. So the one bit of good news is that she ages, people will like her less and less.

I went to Barcelona for the first time in April and discovered the joy of Cava sangria. What the hell had I been doing with my life before then?

I think you nailed it.

I always wondered if trolling was exclusively a right-wing nutter thing but you are trolling for the angels! I love it!

No need to be rude.

The ‘female experience’ is obviously a lot grander and more nuanced than who is fucking whom but I suspect if you asked, many men would admit to feeling quite vulnerable during the medical procedures you mentioned. I don’t think we literally have to go through which parts need to be inserted in which places for his

I agree; I especially liked that unlike Mad Men, the characters are not miserable and nasty to each other. You really get to see how privilege works, even amongst well-meaning people. Even the straight up misogynists are not intrinsically evil, it’s more that they don’t get it, resist change in general, or see women

Don’t you need a certificate or something for gold bars?

We had a guy in my old office in midtown who liked to walk around with a waterbottle balanced on the top of his head. He always smiled and waited for people to comment and it never happened.