Marry him.
Marry him.
My favorite thing about no longer being in grad school is that I no longer have to endure people simultaneously complaining about grad school* and talking about unfair and mean their educational institutions were, while also humble-bragging about spending Christmas break in Paris or Barcelona or whatever.
What theater was this? It looks amazeballs—please share!
My grandma and great aunt (god rest their souls) were pretty much the worst meal companions ever. We never went anywhere fancier than a fast food restaurant because they were very cheap, and my Auntie Annie lived to steal the ‘free items’. At the end of a meal, her purse would be full of an entire stack of napkins,…
My ideal outfit is a vintage riding habit and this is so, so close...
Is he/she OK? Maybe this is not true, but I consider that level of awfulness a sign of underlying illness.
One summer when I was home from college, our house was burgled during the day while my mom was at work and I was away interning. I didn’t have much valuable of my own (poor college kid) but I did have a pair of diamond studs that had been given to me for some significant birthday. I was fairly messy and had left the…
I have a colleague with wallpaper peeling strength bad breath. Normally I offer him a mint if I’m going to be in an enclosed space with him, but god help the clients he meets on his own. But the thing is, it’s obviously coming from his gut and he’s either dehydrated or has some underlying health issues. No amount of…
I try to fly economy plus whenever possible. The 6 inches of extra leg room are so precious. It sucks that it’s at least $100 dollars extra a trip, more often $200.
Same here.
I agree. I really like Game of Thrones, but it has basically become all about how to violate women in exciting new ways. I’d read the books and had figured they weren’t going to do a Cersei naked perp walk scene because they’d done one with naughty priest a few weeks earlier. There was no way for this scene to have…
Have a look at Virgina in VA’s other posts. They are all subtle put-downs to women. So I answered in the context of his/her larger commentary. But regardless, women are the ones who get accused of leading men on and they are the ones who get accused of just talking to people for free drinks, etc. To your general point…
I totally agree with you.
Mine definitely didn’t hurt. It was more like, ‘Holy moly, is that really there? Yep, that’s really there. This is super weird but fun. Woah.’
Also, ‘pour yourself’ not ‘poor yourself’. Although that can happen with excessive a/c use as well.
Just wanted to say that I hope you aren’t judging yourself for 14 year old you’s actions. We are all just doing the best we can at every stage of life, and she was using the coping mechanisms that she at hand.
I think the anxieties and down-sides of waiting have been covered quite well here, but let me just mention the up sides. For a variety of reasons (including having gone to a women’s college), I waited until I was 23 (almost 24) and it’s true that my first time was just OK, but after that it was great! Directly…
Agreed. I don’t get the fuss.
They could have sprung for a bigger couch.
You nailed it.