OMG has this guy gone into satire, now?? Is he for real with that? I just laughed tea out my nose, reading those 140 characters of self-aggrandizement + lies + hysterical martyrdom. What a drama queen.
OMG has this guy gone into satire, now?? Is he for real with that? I just laughed tea out my nose, reading those 140 characters of self-aggrandizement + lies + hysterical martyrdom. What a drama queen.
Oh, no! Not Jezebel! That... that means these comments now feature the voices of actual women in tech, who actually know what this article & podcast are talking about!! *faints* Can this crowd handle it??
Yes, I guess that's why we don't have male gynecologists or male plastic surgeons don't we? Get real.
It's not just about the fact that he's a dude. Men can be really important as spokespeople for women's issues for the very reason that their voices are given more weight than women's voices. But if you're a man who wants to speak out on behalf of women, you have a duty to know what the hell you're talking…
Sounds like you shouldn't have clicked the article, then. The title and image made it pretty clear what it was about. As soon as you realized it was something that you forcefully don't care about you should have left the page.
This guy is the ultimate mansplainer, an apex mansplainer in that he mansplains about how to deal with mansplaining.
Yes, but the fact that he talks about women's lack of confidence being the main problem is a BIG problem in and of itself.
So if Wadhwa didn't actually threaten libel, what happened?
I've counted at least half a dozen examples in these comments of "I don't know anything about him, but..."
I'm sort of entirely torn about the idea of a man being the spokesman for women in tech. On the one hand, I want to say that a dude should not be the go to when you need to talk to someone about sexism against women in the tech sector, but on the other hand I can't in good conscious say that only a woman is qualified…
how is this not on the front page of Gawker Newsfeed, or at least TKTK? This article is interesting, well-written, and a perfect example of why I read Gawker Media sites. Thank you very much for writing it.'s a great thing.
cereal is way, way better when the milk is almond milk
So proud that we have someone who is both a doctor and a judge on staff.
Garlic, anchovy and red onion in the top 6?
You can be totally wrong on everything else and I don't even care.
I had a boss a few years back who agreed with the last person he just talked to. Even when it conflicted with something he said previously. I called him The Yes Man In Charge. I'm afraid this is also Cool Pope.
It almost never happens, actually. And it's a fireable offense at basically all restaurants.
Rumor has it this is an earlier version of the redesigned masthead: