
I wish someone would've ran in and yelled "Earthquake test!"

Big shout out to David O'Reilly for that crazy animation. He also did The External World, Please Say Something, and Octocat.

Without watching the video yet, yes you can get a headshot with the tank. Did it last night and a few other times :D

2142 was on my least favorite. The game for me was very buggy, lagged a lot, and it just didn't feel the same at all.


I did this last night. Someone thought it'd be cute to try capturing a point with their helicopter as they landed it near the flag. I ran behind it, tossed some C4, and once it took off I detonated it. I love this game!

Dang! I didn't expect so much mud!

Wow, that's a great list of songs there. I went to the first and second Video Games Live concerts here in Los Angeles, but I wish they had played these kind of songs. Unfortunately I couldn't recognize MW2's theme that well. I guess it wasn't as memorable as BF's. Liberi Fatali was one of my favorite FF songs,

Agreed. Except the liking of ghosts, I don't agree with that :P

Darn, that's a pity. I grew up with Doom through multi hell of action quake and so forth. I'm way better at FPS games on a mouse than i am on the analog. I just hate having to upgrade all the time..

Yeah, I noticed used this "How well can you run BF3" program and it didn't look too good. Ugh, the last thing I wanna do is spend more money to upgrade this thing. I guess I'll stick to my PS3.

I'm curious how my computer would run BF3.. it's got an old NVIDIA 8800 GTS card, a 3ghz dual core Intel Processor, and 2 gigs of ram. The motherboard I have can have DDR3 ram installed on it though, so I might do that soon too.

I completely agree. When it came time to play in multiplayer, I'm sure everyone including myself destroyed it within seconds.

I think the campaign mode is pretty forgettable, but the F-18 mission was one that I'll never forget. Give some mention to how beautiful that level was! The moment the pilot put her helmet on and it muffled the noise, to how exciting it was to shoot off the aircraft carrier. It was a beautiful mission, and when I

Reminded me a little of Perfect Strangers at some points.

looks too complicated. Needs to be more Jetsons styled. I was quite upset when she couldn't click "Apple Pie" and the kitchen couldn't just make it automatically.

I think they are all wondering how it didn't suddenly crash and burn. I think the Russians are wondering how it got off the ground in the first place :P

Wow, that's some defense system they got going for them.

I want to express how thrilled I was with the F-18 level in teh campaign mode. From the moment your character stepped onto the deck of the aircraft carrier with the F-18's ready to go in rainy weather, I had this weird feeling come over me. It was a feeling I haven't felt since I was a kid, watching fighter bombers

Blaming the car and not the driver. Hm..