
This past weekend a group of friends and I played Twilight Imperium. We started at 7PM Saturday, all went home at 12:15AM, started back up at 11, and finished the game at 2. It was the quickest game we've ever played, considering the last time we played Twilight Imperium the game lasted a total of 18 hours with 6

This was a great idea, however I'm still not convinced over the Ford Fusion, especially it's hybrid. I have done a lot of research and found that the EPA ratings by actual owners have been all over the place from upper 40's to low 30's. Sure they state the actual mileage will vary, but I have seen complaints from

Wow, that sounds great. I might have to pick this game up.

Did anyone else notice the guy leaning all the way down to look under the demo character's skirt?

Big props to the Dr. Rockzo and groupie, they look amazing.

I wonder what the cats were up to while the dogs were fighting wars!

I played the demo a month ago and ended up buying the game. I'm a huge Monster Hunter fan, and this feels like a Monster Hunter MMO to me. The last couple of MMO's I've played were DAOC and Eve Online. I played DAOC for 3 years I think, and I remember the leveling being extremely grueling. This at least doesn't

Now playing

And that man grew up to be Duckman.. along with other popular TV series. But Duckman being the most important in my book.

Flame me if you want, I'll end up buying it. The Battlefield series is the only series I'll put money into, I enjoy it immensely. However, I do believe $50 might be much, especially if you already have Karkand.

Oof, gaming pc? The first PC that was actually mine was some old Dell computer, I forget all the stats on it.. sad really.. I remember it being pretty darn fast for the time, I upgraded the ram and video card, and that's all that could really be done on it. After it would randomly crash and would need a full

Heh nice.

Cow: Fenton.. Fenton.. FENTON... FENTON!! FENTON!! Oh jesus christ!

Did anyone else notice the bullet deflecting back and spinning in the air after it hit the coca cola can? Sweet piece of lead.

There was a panasonic digital camera that had the same idea, using floppy disks as it's memory cards. I thought it was so awesome and wanted it so bad..

I remember playing this mod on HL back in the day and really enjoying it, but I've gotta question.

Give whoever designed this car a raise. I couldn't believe this was the new Impala until I read about it. Is April Fools too late?

It was released by Frederator, not Cartoon Network. Even the wiki says it.

I think it might be the kid's hat.

I also really dig this one. ^ I'm not a fan of the "This is Apeture" one though.. I like something a bit more original.

-Lydia will now offer marriage option after player purchases Breezehome in Whiterun