
Great, another Deadpool Max. No offense, I love Deadpool, but I wish they got rid of Deadpool Max and kept the team up instead.

Heh how 'bout the new Camry?

My excitement rose higher and higher when I scrolled down the list... then I got to the bombers and gunship.. I nearly died. I can't wait for this game to come out.

Hah! When I saw Deadpool down there I cracked up. I think everyone in the office heard me.

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And the other video is called Lady in the Lake. It's a story about a detective, the film shot from first person. This was the first film I really ever saw with this styling and I enjoyed the novilty of it and thought it was kind of clever. I for one will definitely check out this new film to see what it has to

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Before everyone starts jumping in on the band wagon here.. watch these two films. One is a fan made video called The Jacknife Chronicles. If executed correctly, I feel like a FPS style movie would do well, and if done in 3D it would actually make more sense, seeing as everything is coming at You the main character.

Yikes.. I do have to say though, the color of the cat in the 4th picture looks marvelous. A black matte car looks really nice nowadays. At first I thought it was a terrible thing, but I'm really digging them.

Am I the only person getting really bored with the Kingdom Hearts cosplay? I dunno, nothing ever wows me anymore from the cosplay I see from it.

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Kind of reminds me of Ring of Red. It was a fun game, but kind of boring to watch.

Was Monster Hunter in there?

I've never cared for the zombie stuff with Call of Duty. Kind of fun to watch other people play, but it soon gets really old. Same thing practically every time. This looks a bit more interesting to watch though. I don't know, a part of me doesn't like games where all you do is just see how long you last. I like

I agree with this guy, my Thunderbolt eats up battery life like no tomorrow while on the 4G Network. I have to run it on the 3G setting just to get through a full day.

Which CTS-V model are we talking about? The only ones I can find are way out of the price range. I could probably pick up a used GTO with an LS2 engine for my price range.

A used CTS-V for my price range? The cheapest I've seen for that is around 50k! I will to check out the Optima soon, it looks like a pretty good competitor.

Alright, this thread actually might be a good place to ask this question to you guys. I'm trading in my 2002 V6 Mustang pretty soon and getting something new or used. Something around 26-28 grand. I want a sedan, and so far the only car I've seen that really wows me is the new Ford Focus with all the technology

I'm curious how much the Focus ST is going to go for. The interior is.. well.. I grew out of that kind of styling a LONG time ago. The body looks sportier, but eh. Guesses anyone? I'm throwing out there low to mid 30k.

I stand corrected! Thanks Wraith

I thought the same thing, but imagine trying to land or take off from a moving ship with the unpredicatble ocean wind speed. Sure, helicopters can do it, but the F-35 doesn't have a rear stabilizer. I always felt like the F-35 was kind of gimmicky..

Wow, the civilian is a prick. I have a feeling he was trying to get a rise out of a cop, unfortunately he got picked up by a pretty nice police officer.

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Technically.. everyone's ripping off Lady in the Lake.