
Viking Longboat (best museum image I found)

Because: "Hello, Europe!"

They also had some nice carvings. Often with dragons. Must have been seen as the devil's crusade.

XB-70 Valkyrie

It makes the Concorde look silly, and it basically says "F**k whatever you got, I'll just fly away from it - including your missiles and bullets. Oh, and I'll drop a nuke or two in the process."

6 900 km combat range and a cruise speed of Mach 3.

The white color might pacifistic, but what if it went into

I always thought tanks with minesweeping plows looked menacing.

Anytime Baby!

Really scary, didn't hurt too many people directly.

And better looking than an Enzo too.

The original Mini rally car:

There is something that can be said for over-slowing for a yellow and stacking up. It seems like the cars they came upon suddenly were no where near the flagger or the incident and virtually stopped.

"the better system"!? I'm sorry, what alternate universe are you living in?

How do you figure?
Just about every game comparison I have read on Kotaku have pointed out how identical games on the XBone run at 720p, whereas on the PS4 they are running at 1080p.

Very Maserati A6GCS Berlinetta-like. Me gusta.

Did nobody watch the actual video? They are in the back seat. They don't control the car. The driver you see up front does. They are only seeing the video from the cameras on the car's nose. They are just along for the ride.

I'll see you, and raise you a P40 Warhawk

I believe this Volvo-amino should make the list:

They have to clear coat it with a special type, and it has to be a fair bit thicker than normal paint and clear coat cause its gotta protect the untreated CF. Not that expesnive granted, but it's a unique design that will make the car rarer and more valuable later on.

Norway is missing.

They didn't steal it, but it waters down Aston Martin's iconic designs and frankly it looks HORRIBLE on every Ford. It's worse than the faux chrome garbage they had been putting on every model.

Now playing

This has always been the best one. Even before it happened.